6 | A Wonderful Dream

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Johanna shot up in her bed with a gasp.

Once again, she had a nightmare. The same one she had almost every night. The constant reminder of how she failed.

Maybe she deserved that. She was supposed to take care of her. Astra had her whole life in front of her and because of the stupid demon, the girl won't be able to enjoy it anymore. Johanna failed.

While trying to get her breathing back under control, the woman glanced around the room. If it wasn't for their pale skin tone and Atia's almost white hair, she would've missed the two intruders hidden in the shadows.

"For fuck's sake," Johanna cursed under her breath and shook her head. "How did you find me?"

"You were dreaming," Morpheus said simply.

"But it wasn't only a dream, was it?" Atia added softly. "It was a memory."

Constantine slowly nodded weakly.

"No wonder you do not sleep."

"Maybe I don't deserve to."

"Perhaps not," Morpheus agreed. "But I could make it go away."

"Only if I help you find your sand," Johanna guessed.

She probably didn't know, but even though they were the Rulers of the Dreaming, neither of them had true control over dreams. They could manipulate them, change them slightly, but only the sand had a real power to control them.

"Though, finding anything in this place may require more magic than even you can muster."

Atia elbowed her husband lightly in the side after he made the remark. He just shrugged and subtly gestured around. The room was a mess.

Johanna, on the other hand just glanced at them, before taking a look around. Then, taking a deep breath, she stood up.

"I'll look in the office," she announced. "Try not to clean up while I'm gone."

"We're coming with you. You have a gift for disappearing."

"All right," the woman rolled her eyes. "But if the mess in here offends you, wait till you see my office."


Johanna wasn't lying. Her office was even worse than her room. Things were scattered over all available surfaces.

"Why do you humans love objects so much?" Morpheus asked, looking around.

"I don't know," Atia shook her head. "In my times, we never had that much. Only what was needed to fill basic human needs."

"They do come in handy sometimes," Johanna shrugged, then glanced towards the other female in the room. "You were a human?"

"Yes, a long time ago," she nodded.

"And how did you become... whatever you are now?"

The two immortal beings exchanged a look.

"That's a long story that neither of us wants to talk about," Atia merely said.

There was a moment of silence, in which Johanna looked between the two, as if she tried to figure out what could their story be. In the end, there was no way she could, so she dropped it. Instead, she returned to her search.

"You seem pretty attached to your sand," the woman said, going back to the topic of the love for objects.

"That's different," the Queen of Dreaming shook her head.

"It's not just an object, it's a part of me," Morpheus stated.

"If that's true, how'd you happen to lose it?"

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