5 | Johanna Constantine

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Atia and Morpheus appeared in London. First thing they saw and heard were two women talking.

"You'll see. I know," the older one seemed to be warning the younger one. "I'm two-hundred-eighty years old, and I know."

The younger one just turned towards her and sent her a smile.

"Constantine," Morpheus said, grabbing her attention.

Johanna whirled back around to face them. She looked both of them up and down, her gaze lingering on Atia's form.

"Have we met?" the mortal asked.

"We have business, you and I," Morpheus replied.

"Get in line, bruv," Johanna smiled and glanced at the building behind them. "Can't keep God waiting."

Sending Atia one last look, she brushed past them, straight towards the building's entrance. The two looked after her, before looking at each other.

"'Bruv'?" Morpheus repeated with a small, amused frown.

"She clearly has no idea what this is about," Atia smiled slightly. "She doesn't even believe we exist."

"That, or maybe she prefers to ignore that."

The woman shrugged. Then, she looked after the mortal, who just walked into the building.

"She does look a lot like Johanna Constantine from three-hundred years ago," she mused. "I'd even say she looks exactly the same."

Exchanging another look, the two followed after the woman. They decided to become invisible to mortals once again and reveal themselves when the time will be best.

As they walked inside, they were greeted by the sight of beautifully decorated inside of the building, where Johanna and a woman, whom she called Ric the Vic, met.

They discussed the reason Johanna was called – to perform an exorcism. She was a very hesitant, when she heard the supposedly possessed person was a royal, but in the end, after she heard the princess shouting, she agreed.

Swapping outfit with Ric the Vic, Johanna went into the room to marry the princess and footballer.

While she was performing the ceremony, instead of speaking the real vows, she spoke the words of the exorcism.

Surprisingly, it wasn't the princess, who was possessed, but her fiancé, Kevin. At first, he joked about it and waved it off, but as the words went on, he got worse and worse. In the end, the demon literally ripped the man apart.

The princess started panicking, as she was splashed with blood and flinched back. Atia almost felt sorry for her.

Johanna called Ric, who led the distressed woman out of the room. Then, she proceeded with the exorcism.

The demon grunted and turned around to face her.

"You... talk too much," he declared.

"Tell me your name and I'll stop," she replied.

"And why would I do that? When there are far more enjoyable ways to make you stop."

That was the moment the hidden couple choose to reveal themselves.

"His name is Agilieth," Morpheus announced.

"I'm flattered you remember me, Lord Morpheus, after all your time away," the demon said and Constantine stepped away, watching the three beings.

"Lord Morpheus?" Johanna echoed.

"He is," Agilieth confirmed. "Though, I confess, I almost didn't recognize you without your helm. But Lady Atia standing by your side is something almost just as recognizable. Still, I wonder where your helm could be."

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