3 | The Fates

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Morpheus was probably least affectionate being Atia knew in this universe. He usually avoided physical contact with others and relied heavily on his words, but even then, he never said much.

However, there were few exceptions for him, her being one of them.

When it came to his wife and Queen, Lord of Dreams had no problems with being in constant physical contact and talking with her for longer periods of time.

As they laid on their bed, his arm around her waist and her head on his chest, he felt content. After everything he went through for the last hundreds of years, he finally felt at peace.

There was still a long way ahead of them, but for now, he left himself relax and enjoy this small quiet moment between them, when there finally weren't any glass separating them.

Still, he wouldn't allow himself to close his eyes. In the back of his mind, he still felt as if everything would disappear and he would wake up back in that glass sphere, if he did.

Instead, he watched as his wife took a moment to finally rest herself. It took her only minutes to fall asleep. Her breathing was quiet and even. Smiling slightly, he pushed her white hair away from her face.

The frown she had on her face when she was awake finally disappeared, leaving a small hint of smile in its place.

Then, he gently traced the faintest white line, that ran across her throat, then the one across her temple, unable to stop the small pang of guilt that appeared every time he saw them. After all, he was the reason she had them.

Her skin was so light, they were almost invisible, but he remembered all-too-well when and how she got them. For him, it was impossible not to see them, but they didn't take anything away from her beauty. They made her even more special.

He shook those thought off. He was there now, and she wasn't as vulnerable as she was back then. Now, not only she was under his protection, but she was his Queen, his equal. That alone would be enough to stop most from hurting her. and even if, she'd be able to defend herself now.

Taking a deep breath, Morpheus laid his head back down and finally allowed himself to close his eyes. Telling himself it was all real and he wouldn't ever have to go back to the cellar, he let his body finally rest.


Finally, the time to do something about their situation came. The two rulers met up with Lucienne to make the plan. They sat on the stairs, that once led to the throne, while the librarian choose to stand.

"There is only one sure way for me to find my tools," Dream stated. "I must summon the Three-In-One."

"Surely it hasn't come to that," the dark-skinned woman protested.

"The Fates see past, present and future, and they know all."

"But they'll never give you the answers you seek," Atia chimed in. "Their riddles are never enough."

"Perhaps just this once you could ask one of your siblings for help," Lucienne suggested, and both Atia and Dream's expressions became sour. "Destiny would certainly know where your tools are, or Desire..."

"I would much rather go to Lucifer, than to Desire," the Queen muttered.

All three of them knew how much she despised the ruler of Hell, but her resentment towards her husband's sibling was much stronger.

"My siblings have their own realms to attend to, I have mine," Morpheus shot Lucienne's idea down. "We do not interfere in each other's affairs."

His wife just raised a brow at him, and he gave her a small shrug.

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