7 | Dream a Little Dream of Me

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Johanna turned around to face Morpheus, after he announced they could leave. He got his pouch of sand, the only thing he came there for.

"We can't go," she protested. "We can't leave her like this."

"We can't help her. The sand was the only thing keeping her alive."

Johanna glared and stalked towards him.

"You have to do something," she demanded. "If it wasn't for your sand, she wouldn't be like this."

Atia felt a stab of anger at the statement. It wasn't her husband's fault. He was not the one to blame, no matter how much Constantine wished to.

She opened her mouth to respond, but Morpheus beat her to it.

"I'm not the one who left her with it."

"What is wrong with you?" the mortal's voice broke. "You want your sand back so that you can save all of humanity, well, here she is!"

She pointed towards Rachel, who still whimpered and shifted in pain. Atia was by her side, gently trying to soothe her. However, she didn't seem to have much success.

"But we're all just Roderick Burgess to you," Johanna sneered.

"Johanna..." Atia said in a warning tone, as she glanced towards the woman.

She could understand that the mortal was in pain and didn't want to accept what happened to her ex, but that did not give her right to cross the lines like that one.

"No," Constantine shook her head, shooting Atia a look. "All he cares about is his hand. His power. What is the point of you?"

No one said anything. They all just stared at each other in silence.

"Well, you got your sand back," Johanna scoffed. "Why are you still here if you won't help?"

The woman went back to Rachel's side. The woman's breath was becoming weaker and more like a wheeze with each passing moment. She didn't have long.

Maybe it was something Johanna said, maybe the unpleasant memories he desperately wanted to forget resurfacing, or just simply the pain Rachel was in. No matter the reason, Morpheus let out a quiet breath and moved to stand behind his wife, who still knelt down by the dying woman's side.

"Wait outside," he told the mortal.

Reluctantly, Johanna said her goodbyes to Rachel. She apologized for everything, and she was forgiven. As she walked out, Atia could see the tears gathering in her eyes.

When the only beings in the room were Morpheus, Atia and Rachel, the Lord of Dreams reached into his pouch and grabbed a bit of sand. Holding his hand over the mortal, he let it drop on her chest, putting her into pleasant slumber.

With a gasp, Rachel was pulled into a beautiful dream that would be her last.

Atia smiled sadly, as she looked down at the woman, before readjusting the blankets that slid down her body.

The immortal being could help, but wish she had such a peaceful moment in her last moments of her mortal life. Alas, she couldn't and didn't. Instead, her last moments were full of pain and chaos.


Everything happened so fast.

Atia was spending her free time peacefully outside, in her father's gardens, before she had to leave and run some errands.

Technically, she didn't have to, as they had some slaves who could do it for her, but the woman enjoyed that little moments when she could go out and connect with people.

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