24 | Epilogue

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Atia and Dream walked into the gallery containing all of the Endless' sigils. The Endless walked straight towards Desire's.

They discussed it earlier, that Atia would stay in the gallery. She would watch in the mirror, but she would not go to Dream's younger sibling's realm.

Sharing a nod with his wife, Morpheus grabbed his sibling's sigil.

"Desire. I stand in my gallery and I hold your sigil," Dream announced. "Talk to me."

Desire's face appeared in his sigil, as they grinned at their older brother.

"Why, sweet Dream. This is a surprise. Almost an event, I might say."

"Good. I'm coming through."

"You are? But of course. You know you're always welcome in my chambers." the younger Endless chuckled.

From there on, Atia watched in the mirror on the wall, that gave her an insight into everything that was going on in there.

As Morpheus walked into his sibling's room, they turned to him and smiled sharply.

"Isn't the lovely Atia joining us?" they taunted. "She's such a delightful company."

Dream didn't say anything, just clenched his jaw. He knew they were just trying to get a raise out of him.

"Lovely to see you. Can I get you anything you desire?"

"I desire nothing from you, save some answers."

Desire's expression dropped, as they frowned mockingly.

"Ooh, is this a test?"

"Unity Kincaid should've been the vortex of this era. But someone took advantage of my imprisonment and fathered a child with her, knowing full well that it would become the vortex, and I would be forced to kill it."

"Was I really that obvious?" the younger Endless grinned once again.

"No," Dream gave a humourless chuckle. "You covered your tracks remarkably well. Much better than the last time."

Somehow, Atia just knew he was referring to the event of her death, when he convinced the man to attack her.

"Well, that's high praise coming from you," Desire mused, readjusting in their seat. "Back then, I was careless, I admit. But at least it was fun."

"What did you truly intend?" Morpheus asked, ignoring the jab, no matter how hard he wanted to respond to it. "That I should spill family blood? With all that would entail?"

His sibling chuckled, their grin growing even wider.

"This time it almost worked."

The older Endless scoffed and shook his head.

"My sibling. We of the Endless are the servants of the living, not their masters. We exist only because they know deep in their hearts that we exist," as he spoke, Dream started circling his younger sibling, stopping just behind him. "We do not manipulate them. If anything, they manipulate us. And you, and Despair, and even poor Delirium would do well to remember that."

He grabbed Desire's head and pulled it back, so they would look at him. They hissed but didn't fight against their brother's grip.

"Mess with me or mine again and I shall forget that you are family. Do you believe yourself strong enough to stand against me? Against Death? Against Destiny?"

"No," Destiny said simply.

Dream let go of them, pushing them forward. His sibling barely caught themselves, before they could fall out of their seat. Morpheus paid them no mind, as me made his way back towards his realm.

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