21 | Collectors

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Atia and Dream were back in the throne room, the two mortals back in the waking world.

Or so they thought.

"You killed my friend," Rose stood behind them, glaring.

The two whirled around to face them. this was truly impossible. If the Dream of the Endless wished for the dream to be over, then the mortal should wake up, back in the waking world. And yet, there she was.

"How did you get here?" he frowned.

"In front of his wife, and then you threaten to take her baby?"

"I tried to get her to leave the room. We both did. But she didn't," Atia said calmly. "And he could not stay here."

"This doesn't mean you had to-" Rose started, but Morpheus cut her off.

"Do you know why this happened?" he asked, and the girl shook her head slightly. "A vortex gathering strength can weaken the walls between dreams."

The girl shook her head with a scowl on her face. She felt like he was telling her it was her fault, but she had no control over any of this.

"I didn't ask for any of this."

"Even so!"

"No! I don't want you coming near me or my fiends ever again," Rose declared.

"Rose, listen to me," Dream tried, but the girl had none of it.

"I do listen to you. You said that a vortex can create universes or destroy them."

The couple's faces became void, as they realised what she was hinting at. They tried to be nice and help her, but if she couldn't understand that and threaten them in return, then so be it. She didn't want their help, they won't offer it anymore.

"So I suggest you leave my universe the fuck alone," Rose finished.


"This dream is over," even though she said it almost quietly, her voice boomed all around the room.

And just like that, she was gone.

The couple stood stunned in the throne room. What just happened should never be possible. Or could it?

The vortex was a great mystery to both of them. Even if Dream understood it much better than Atia did, it still didn't mean he had all the answers himself. Usually, when vortex occurred, they either became an active threat quickly, or not at all.

Rose, however, took longer than any other vortex he encountered. But then, again, it could be blamed on that he hadn't met many.

Yet, the girl wasn't an active threat, which meant he couldn't take action against her, but she wasn't also harmless. Bringing down the walls between the dreams definitely wasn't something that didn't leave a trace. It reflected on a whole realm.

"What happens now?" Atia asked after a moment.

After all, Rose did just threaten their realm and warned them against coming near her or her friends ever again. But when the time comes, they will have to.

"I don't know," Dream said. "But something tells me she will seek us out soon enough."

"I doubt it."

Rose was already wary of them, but their latest actions just deepened the untrust and her wariness.

"She will. After all, she wants the answers only I can provide for her," Dream said, grabbing Atia by the waist. "Maybe not actively, but her subconsciousness will."

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