12 | Family Meeting

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Atia had been searching for her husband all day.

While the Dreaming went back to its previous state and Dreams and Nightmares started returning, they've been busy. But, as the months went by, it started calming down, but it didn't mean it was all over, just yet.

After searching the whole Dreaming, twice, she had enough. Closing her eyes, she tried to find him using their connection, once again. When she tried it before, she found it blocked on his part.

Usually, when that happened it could mean one of two things – he either wanted to be alone, or he had some problems and didn't want her to get involved. But seeing how the last few months went, it was more than likely the first option.

This time, the connection was open. And she knew exactly where he was.

Leaving Lucienne in charge, and Matthew as a way to communicate between the realms, Atia left for the waking world.

She found Dream sitting on a white bench in a park, bread in hand and glaring after a small child. Beside him, all-too-familiar dark-skinned woman sat, with a smile on her face, that only brightened as she saw Atia.

"Ah, there's my little sis," she announced, standing up to greet her.

"Hi," Atia replied, her smile just as bright.

The two hugged and exchanged a few warm words, before turning back to the brooding man, who watched them with soft eyes.

"Okay, now, what's the matter?" Death became serious.

"What do you mean?" Dream muttered quickly, looking away from them.

"I can tell something's wrong. I mean, look at you. Sittin' here, moping, pigeon-feeding."

"That, and you just disappeared without a word," Atia added. "Also you blocked our connection earlier."

"It's not like you," his sister frowned. "Like, not at all, especially blocking out Atia."

"No," Morpheus sighed. "Perhaps it isn't. I don't know what's wrong, but... You're right. Something is the matter."

Atia was glad he finally said it. Every time she asked, he would just brush her off and tell her everything was fine.

However, she knew it wasn't. Ever since they got back his tools and rebuild the Dreaming, he's been acting differently. She couldn't describe it, but something was off. He was quieter and more isolated himself more.

She ran out of ideas of how to approach him about it. Luckily, she didn't have to, anymore. Maybe all he needed was a chat with his sibling, who he was closest with.

The two women sat down on either side of him and waited for him to continue.

"When they captured me, I just had one thoughts. Vengeance. It wasn't as satisfying as I'd expected. Meanwhile, my kingdom had fallen apart. My tools long since stolen and scattered. And so we both embarked upon a journey to find them. Which we did. I'm now more powerful than I have been in eons. And yet..."

He didn't finish. Death and Atia exchanged a look, before the older Endless readjusted herself with a small smile.

"Here you are, feeding the pigeons," she mused.

"You see, until then, I'd had a true quest. A purpose beyond my function and then suddenly, it was over, and... I felt disappointed. Let down. Empty. Does that make sense?" he frowned and glanced between his sister and wife. "I was so sure that once I got everything back, I'd feel good. But in some ways I feel worse than when I started. I feel like... Nothing."

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