2 | Sleep of The Just

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Atia had no idea how much time she spend in the cellar, trying everything she could think of to free Morpheus. Nothing was working. She couldn't touch the circle, no matter how much she tried. Each time she got close to touching it, it seemed like some invisible force pushed her back.

The guards came back, but they stayed away from the sphere, only watching what was going on inside the glass.

To hold up the pretences, Dream sat back down in the position he was always in and watched his wife work. He was almost motionless, the only movement he made was moving his hand to point out a small vial she was looking for.

Her back was staring to hurt, from being in one position for such a long time, but she ignored it and continued her work. She wasn't used to sitting in one place for long periods of time. It was always Dream's thing. She had to move every few minutes, otherwise, her body started to itch all over.

"How is he today, Rogers?" came Alex's voice.

"Buggered if I know, sir. Moved his hand this morning. Right hand."

"Oh, my God," came an unfamiliar voice.

As Atia glanced up for a second, she recognized him almost immediately. Paul McGuire. A gardener in Burgess' household and Alex's new lover. Their relationship was still in an early stage, but there was something going on between them.

He stood in the doorway, his mouth agape, as he looked at the Endless trapped in a glass prison.

"Alex?" Paul turned to his lover with shocked and disbelieving expression.

The boy ignored, him, instead walking towards the glass. Atia only sent him a glance, but didn't bother to move, as he approached her, unknowingly.

"Hello," he said, slowly walking up to the sphere. "This is my friend, Paul. Paul, this is out unwilling guest."

The Queen of the Dreaming rolled her eyes, as she sent Dream a look. He only glanced towards her, before the icy glare returned on his face, as he turned to face the two.

"Look, we've been talking, Paul and I, and if I let you out, will you promise not to harm us?" Alex asked.

As Morpheus remained silent, the boy glanced towards his lover for help.

"If you could just speak to us," Paul said unsurely.

"You see, I told you," the Burgess turned to the gardener.

"I'm telling you, you have to keep trying. Show him that he can trust you. Show him that you mean it."

"I do mean it," Alex took a step closer to the glass. "Just promise that you won't harm me or Paul, and I will let you out."

If he only knew how much he sounded like his father, in that moment. Promising freedom in return for something Dream could not grant. Especially not to Jessamy's killer.

However, Atia could see the hesitance on his face. As if he was contemplating whether to give in, or not. He was so done with his situation he didn't have much strength left.

Still, he sat there in silence, not saying a word. He didn't even look up at them, keeping his eyes on his wife. He could see the well-hidden pain in her eyes, every time her eyes glanced over the glass. And the disappointment when whatever she was trying didn't work.

But she had hope. And that was why she kept going, until she'd find a way.


This went on for years. It's been almost a hundred years since Dream was captured. No matter what Atia tried to free him, it didn't work. As long as the circle was in place, there was nothing she could do.

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