10 | A Hope in Hell

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Morpheus laid on the ground, looking dead. His skin was ashy-pale, his breaths coming in weak gasps.

"I..." the Endless tried, but he was too weak to finish. "I... I..."

He couldn't. Each time he tried, he seemed to run out of breath and gasped weakly. Matthew flew down from his place above Atia, at the same time as the Queen moved.

Both of them reached the King of Dreams at the same time.

"Hey, boss!" Matthew was the first one to speak.

"Still with us, Dream?" Lucifer taunted.

"He is and it's his move, You Majesty," the raven remarked, glancing back towards the Devil.

Meanwhile, Atia knelt by her husband's side and barely restrained herself from touching him. It was against the rules. Until the game was over, she couldn't.

"Come on," she whispered. "Please, you can't leave me here. You can't leave me alone, again."

The Endless didn't move, nor did he speak. He just physically couldn't bring himself to do so, no matter how much he wanted to promise her, that he wouldn't. Never again.

"There are no more moves," the Morningstar stated plainly. "What can survive an anti-life."

"Hey, boss," Matthew bowed down, to look into Dream's lifeless eyes. "Listen to me. You know what can survive the anti-life? You. Dreams don't fucking die. Not if you believe in them, and I believe Dream of the Endless would never leave his raven and wife here alone, in Hell with Lucifer."

Morpheus closed his eyes and his head slowly moved. Lucifer watched like a hawk, as the Dream Lord spoke once again.

Atia and Matthew moved back towards their spots, this time, the raven standing by the Queen's side.

"I... am..." he pushed himself onto his elbows. "Hope."

His skin regained colour and he stood up straight. Lucifer watched him with an expression between murderous rage and disbelief. Bright light filled the room from every side.

"Hope," the Devil repeated.

"Well, Lightbringer?" Morpheus taunted in the same manner the Fallen Angel did to him earlier. "It's your move. What is it that kills hope?"

And the answer never came.

For Lucifer's entire being has been spurned by hope. From his attempt against God, to living his life as Ruler of Hell, it's what has drove him forward. Now, if the Morningstar was to defeat hope in the game, it would be to defeat himself.

"Choronzon, give him his helm," the Ruler of Hell demanded, ending the challenge.

"No," the demon protested, clutching onto the object tighter and stepping away from them. "I won't. It's mine. Please."

Before any of them could react, Mazikeen stalked forward and ripped it from the Duke's grip. Then, she grabbed the demon by his throat and lifted him off the ground, before throwing him off the balcony.

Morpheus moved first. He walked over to the demon, who turned around to face him. She handed him his helm.

"Thank you, Mazikeen," he said, before taking it from her hands.

As he turned back towards Lucifer, he saw the Devil still glaring at him.

"Thank you, Lightbringer. The Ruler of Hell is honourable indeed. I will not forget this."

"Honourable?" Lucifer looked almost offended. "You joke, surely."

Then, he quickly approached the King of The Dreaming.

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