22 | It All Comes Together

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Atia had enough. She couldn't just stay in the Dreaming, while she knew something can go wrong. Just like the last time, she had a bad feeling about this, and she couldn't just ignore this. Last time it didn't end up well.

Letting Lucienne know of her plans and leaving her in charge, Aita reached down her bond with Morpheus, she felt for him whereabouts. As soon as she felt it, she willed herself to be next to him.

She appeared by his side, invisible to all mortals gathered in the hall. They all watched as a man gave a speech.

"I told you to stay in the Dreaming," Dream told her, without looking at her.

He felt her as soon as she appeared. No matter how much he hoped, he also knew she wouldn't listen to him and stay in their realm.

"You also told me this last time and remember how well that worked out," she replied, her eyes staying on the speaking man.

"Our guest of honour's presence here tonight is proof, at least to me, that dreams do come true. He is a legend in his own lifetime, an inspiration to us all, one of the first and one of the best. Gentlemen. Ladies. The Corinthian," as soon as he spoke the man, the whole room broke into wild cheers.

The Nightmare walked into the room, followed by a woman. He raised his hand in greetings to the crowd, then shook hands with the man who announced him. When he took a stand, he waited for everyone to quiet down and for the two people to take their seats.

"I don't usually speak in public, but the opportunity to talk to so many people who share the same passion, the same dream, well, it was just too good to pass up. Because you are special people. Very special people. We are the American dreamers driving down the holy road of true knowledge that's paved with blood and gold. And across the length and breadth of this fair country, we are killing people."

As he spoke, Atia glanced over the assembled crowd. They all listened with great interest, looking up at him as if he was some hero.

She couldn't believe how twisted their minds were. They spoke bluntly about such crimes, gave advice about techniques and supported each other in breaking the law. All while they had the time of their lives, taking glory and pleasure in such things.

She felt sickened by them.

"We don't do it to make a living, we don't do it for revenge. We do not murder for profit. We kill to kill. We are entrepreneurs in an expanding field. But no one sees us except for one weekend a year," he made a small pause, where he surveyed the whole crowd. "Well, I see you. I see you for who you truly are. And I want you to see it, too. So just do me a favour. Close your eyes. And see yourselves as I do."

One by one they all did as he told them. Both Atia and Morpheus could almost see inside of their heads, the images that appeared in them.

"We are gladiators," the Corinthian said.

One of the men imagined himself standing over dismembered corpse, cutting it up as butcher would do to an animal.

"Conquerors. We are explorers, truth seekers."

A woman imagined herself standing over an operation table. A man laid on it, fully conscious and aware of his surroundings. He was chained to the table, breathing heavily, as she cut his chest open.

"We are swashbucklers. We are hunters. Soldiers of fortune."

Yet another man imagined himself sewing skin taken from his victims together, watching in delight as a neat seam appeared down the middle of it.

Atia and Dream had enough. They appeared in the middle of the room, capturing the Corinthian's attention. His smile fell, as he seemed to glare at them.

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