17 | The Doll's House

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Atia walked into the throne room and sighed quietly.

"You're still sitting over this?" she asked, putting her hand on the back of her husband's neck and rubbing it softly.

Dream leaned slightly into her touch and looked up at her with tired eyes.

"I need to find answers," he said. "Find out if the rumours are true."

"Surely this can wait for a few hours."

The Endless sighed and closed the book, before putting it on the pile.

"Fine," he agreed. "Now, what do my lovely wife want, to make me stop trying to learn whether or not are we in danger?"

She rolled her eyes but couldn't stop a smile from appearing on her face. He replied with a small smile of his own.

"Well?" he urged.

"Do I really need a reason to spend some time with you?" she pouted.

He chuckled and stood up.

"No, you do not," he said, as he grabbed her by the waist and the two started making their way down the stairs.

"However... I do have something to show you," Atia smiled brightly, grabbing her husband's hand. "Come."

He let her drag him towards the gardens, where she usually spent most of her days. They were just behind the palace, overviewing beautiful, green meadows, where dreams often play.

"Up there," she pointed towards the top of the biggest tree, that stood in the middle.

The Endless frowned but looked where she pointed. His eyes softened, as he noticed a few small creatures curled into balls, sleeping peacefully, while a few more were playing on the ground just below them.

The creatures looked like small lynxes with feathery wings. They were one of Atia's own creations, which were very rare.

"These flynxes look like they were born just recently," Atia smiled excitedly.

"Oh? How can you tell?" Dream leaned his chin on top of her head.

His arms wrapped themselves loosely around her waist, as she leaned back into him. She quickly glanced up at him, before explaining everything.

The Endless smiled, listening to his wife and enjoying peaceful moment.


"I've completed the census you requested, Lord Morpheus," Lucienne announced with a smile.

The couple was back in the throne room, Atia snacking on a few grapes she grabbed on the way.

"Good. And?" the Endless asked.

"I have accounted for eleven-thousand and sixty-two of them," the librarian handed her King the book, where all present dreams and nightmares were recorded.

Matthew, who was also present, jumped closer to them.

"Wow. Someone's been busy," he amazed.

"Yes. Well..." she smiled, before turning back to the rulers, who looked through the book. "There are a handful of new entities."

"That is to be expected," Morpheus said, not raising his eyes from the book.

"We've seen a few young flynxes in the garden, earlier," Atia added.

"But... three of the Major Arcana are gone," Lucienne finished.

This brought the couple's attention to her. Atia looked up from the names in the book with a frown.

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