Mustang - 1 (Delivery)

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Mustang: Bonne soirée à vous, Commandant!

*Standing in the middle of blinding headlights, Mustang does the usual pose as music blasts in the background.*

Mustang: Welcome! Mes excuses for making you come all the way here on a short notice! I heard you are about to take on another mission in the North, yes?

Commander: *Nodding*

Mustang: In that case, pardonnez ma demande! I would like you to deliver this letter to Ludmilla. A distant relative of the royal family has reached out to me and asked about her, hence the delivery they requested.

*I accept the envelope from Mustang and see the deep red signature at the front.*

Mustang: I'm sure it will be the same like the previous attempts. The royals cannot seem to leave our dear Ludmilla alone despite her clear intention. Commandant, worry not of the details. You just need to delivery it straight to Ludmilla and she will handle the rest.

*I check the back of the envelope. Some sort of locking mechanism is covering the seal gum. My worried gaze slowly shifts to Mustang, who looks excited at my discovery.*

Commander: Is this what I think it is?

Mustang: C'est exact! Just like the pass, you have to dance to the music in order to open it! Sell your body to the wonderous melodies! It may look exceedingly overkill but THIS! This is also a form of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-Entertainment!

*I get it, the person who requests this delivery doesn't want the content inside to be leaked.*

Commander: .....

*I wait for Mustang to show his demonstration*

Mustang: Oh! No no! Non! There is no demonstration this time, the dance is for you to choose, Commandant. You can pick a song you like and perform with it. However, it must have a lyric, a sweet touch of pop music and a skilled performance of the man himself.

*Does that....does that mean I can dance to the music I like so I can unlock this seal!?*

Commander: Neat!

*Somewhat embarrassing, but neat!*

Mustang: Très bien! I know you will like it! Remember, Commandant. Only you can open it, the message of the royals rests in your hand. Now, prends soin de toi!

*After getting back to the Outpost, I start recording the Specialist dance.*

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