BlaBla Chat #8 (Let's Go Camping!)

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I walk around the Command Center. The vacant rooms stretching along the hallway are quiet this morning. Anis and Neon have a one week maintenance starting from today. In addition, Counters Squad is allowed a short break after eight consecutive missions.

I open my phone and read the latest messages I had with Rapi yesterday.

*BlaBla Chat Opened*

Rapi: Rest well, Commander. I will start my patrolling duty tomorrow as usual.

Commander: Sun and Juuni can do it, you should take a break.

Rapi: It's our daily task at the Outpost. I'm aware we're allowed a break, but I don't feel like neglecting my duty.

*BlaBla Chat Ended*

Despite having the days off, Rapi insists on continuing her duty. My thought is blank, I'm not sure what I should do to convince her. I don't want Rapi to overwork herself.



Suddenly, I receive a new message from Rapi.

*BlaBla Chat Opened*

Rapi(???): Hey there, Handsome!

Commander: ?!

I stare wide-eyed at the text. I don't remember Rapi's ever addressed me this way.

Commander: Rapi?

Rapi(???): Nope!

.....don't tell me...

Commander: Red Hood?

Red Hood: Hahaha! Betcha're surprised. We just switched place, this is a little bit unexpected, huh.

Commander: How?

Red Hood: I'm not sure. Anyway! That's not important now! I can feel Rapi's Core in my bosom. It's overheating!

Commander: ?!!

Red Hood: But since I'm taking her place, it starts cooling off. Seems like Rapi and the squad have been working non-stopped. She needs a break.

Commander: I've already told her that.

Red Hood: Well, can't blame Rapi. She's doing this for your sake after all. Now that this happened, it's up to us to help her relax.

Commander: Where are you right now?

Red Hood: I'm by the Goddess of Victory status. It's where Rapi and I switched. Weird, right?

Commander: I'll be there!

Red Hood: Hold up just a sec, no one's around here. I'm in the clear, at least for now. Not sure how long we will switch back, Rapi has been quiet for a while. This is our chance, Handsome!

Commander: What do you mean?

Red Hood: Counters is on a break, yeah? The other two are in maintenance. It's just you and US! I say Let's Go Camping!

Commander: ...

Red Hood: Pretty sure you can tell Rapi and I share one body. If I can wipe off the fatigues from our physical body, that ought to help her. Come on, Handsome! What do ya say?

Commander: Alright, give me a moment. I'll pack my stuff real quick.

Red Hood: If you would, make one extra backpack for me...I mean US. Hurry up, okay! I'm so down bad for the fresh air up there.

Commander: ...

Red Hood: Hahaha! Like I said before, I'm not suited for sophisticated places like the Outpost. So if you catch my drift, then you know~.

Commander: I'll bring the cassette.

Red Hood: !!!

I quickly get my belongings.

Red Hood: Heck yeah! Bring it with you! Can't really miss my favorite playlist! This is going to be an awesome trip, Handsome! Setting up the tent, laying on the grass, resting together by the campfire, listening to the country music, tasting the fried fishes. Also! Reading [Inappropriate language detected].

Commander: ...

Red Hood: Then you and me, some spicy nights.

Commander: We're doing this to help Rapi. Right?

Red Hood: We settle in one sleeping bag, my scarf around our necks, warming us up. Hohohoh!

Commander: Right?

Red Hood: And then we-fsafoeihREjashfiafusevazivd2143cdw23ew

Commander: Red Hood?

Red Hood: Sheesh! My hands just moved on their own, Rapi knows what I'm typing. Alright! Be quick! This is to help Rapi, yup!

Commander: Red Hood...

Red Hood: I'm kidding. Jokes went over my head. Seriously though, we'll take Rapi on a camping trip.

Commander: I finished packing, running to you now.

Red Hood: Thanks, Handsome. I'm sure Rapi will appreciate this. We both do.

Commander: Do you know a place?

Red Hood: I used to camp at tons of places. There's a nice location by the canal, three hours away from the ruined city. Whenever you're tired, I can give you a piggyback.

Commander: I'm good.

Red Hood: Aww, don't be like that! I have a really strong and attractive pair of legs, you know. You can count on me.

Commander: How about holding hands?

Red Hood: Oh! That'll work! As long as we can get a nice hug out of-saflh sdfsdfuweiofhoianhefaASFE

Shortly, I make my way to the Goddess of Victory statue. I can see Red Hood struggling to type on Rapi's phone from a distance.

Commander: I see you.

*BlaBla Chat Ended*

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