BlaBla Chat #7 (Celebration Party - Aftermath)

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*I wake up, unconsciously hugging my head as I feel dizzy. There was a celebration party yesterday, I must had drank a lot. Hm? I see the notification in my phone. It's from our group chat, the Counters Squad. I open the BlaBla Chat to check.*

Neon: It's done! I escorted my Boss to her house safely. Heading back to the Outpost now. How is Master doing?

Anis: Sleeping in his room. This has been one hell of a night. Oh, wait! We haven't loosened his uniform, he could be suffocate sleeping in it.

Rapi: Anis. There's no need for that.

*I look at the time showed above the texts. This conversation was from last night.*

Commander: Morning.

Anis: And he's finally UP!

Neon: Good morning, Master!

Rapi: Good morning, Commander. How are you feeling?

Commander: My head's still spinning, and for some reason I feel sore all over the body. It's weird.

Anis: Anyway, do you remember what happened, Commander?

Commander: Not really.

Anis: Ah. A classic case of anterograde amnesia, understandable.

Commander: W-Why? What happened yesterday?

Anis: Oh! Nothing of major concern. You were having big fun with the other Deputy Chiefs and the Big Three CEOs. That's all.

Commander: I need more context.

Neon: Basically, you were rocking the celebration party. You even made my Boss blushed! No one had ever done that before, which was astounding, Master!

Commander: .....what?

Anis: Well, Commander. It's perfectly fine if you can't remember. My Boss brought in Spirytus bottles, he was saving them for this occasion.

Neon: We were concerned it might affect your health. But you were okay with it, you had a toast with Mustang.

Commander: Wait, you were there?

Rapi: Yes. As part of the Commando Unit, we were also invited.

Anis: Though we had to sit in a different table next to you. Most importantly, we'd seen it all~.

Commander: ....was I done something out of line?

Anis: Not at all! You were the MVP!

Rapi: Anis.

Anis: Come on, Rapi. Commander can't remember anything. You should help too. =]]

Rapi: Commander, is this what you truly want?

Commander: Yes?

Rapi: Very well. Last night, you were overdrunk.

Commander: ?

Rapi: At one point, Ingrid couldn't handle the drinks from Mustang. You took her outside for a break. After about twenty minutes, Ingrid returned, flushed. And you were happy for some reason.

Commander: .......

Anis: Must had been the liquor.

Neon: Or a heart-felt conversation, yup!

Rapi: Chief Andersen had to leave shortly for a meeting. You offered to accompany him outside, you both left for half an hour. When you came back, you and Chief Andersen were glowing. Again, for unknown reason.

Commander: What?

Anis: Actually, I saw you were talking about something with him on the street. Then you two left to somewhere else.

Commander: .....oh.

Rapi: Chief Burningum were grilling you while he was drunk. At the same time, he apologized for some misunderstanding in the past. Then, he requested you to look after the Nikkes under his command. You said yes.

Commander: Did he mean Papillon or Triangle Squad?

Rapi: I don't know.

Anis: Trivia stuff. No need to worry about it, Commander.

Rapi: You entered a drinking contest with Chief Doban and Syuen. Syuen overestimated herself and was feeling sick. You volunteered to help her.

Commander: I did what?

Rapi: You took her outside and saw her off. Approximately ten minutes later, you returned, confused. A handprint on one of your cheeks, barely covered by a lipstick mark.

Commander: ......

Anis: In case you wanted to check the mirror, rest assure, we cleaned that thing off you.

Neon: Carefully washed it with soap!

Anis: Spoiled [Inappropriate language detected], resorting to dirty tactic to throw the Commander off guard.

Rapi: It is as Anis said. I believe you should be more on guard around Syuen, Commander.

Commander: If I happen to act weird while being drunk next time, please stop me.

Anis: Well, we tried before you walk off with Syuen. You said "Leeve zis to mez," just like that. Frankly, that wasn't even the strangest part yesterday.

Commander: What was the strangest part?

Anis: Go for it, Rapi.

Rapi: Chief Doban challenged you to a fight. He was heavily drunk at this point, the Chief stated that there would be no consequence if you agreed. He....also used some inapproprate languages on you.

Anis: He called us names too.

Commander: HE DID WHAT?!

Neon: Just then, your Firepower exploded! You punched the Chief in the face.

Commander: I DID WHAT?!

Rapi: You had a brawl with Chief Doban on the rooftop of the building. In the end, Chief Doban collapsed first. The alcohol caused him to blackout. As you had agreed to his demand, no disciplinary measure will be taken. Ingrid and Chief Andersen are the witnesses to his words and actions.

Anis: You put up a really good fight while being drunk too, Commander. The old man couldn't hit you at all. He was on the receiving end.

Rapi: However, despite the disputes, Mustang was pleased with the party.

Anis: Boss said he would like to have a toast with you again. I'm thinking he will plan to host the same party next year.

Rapi: You fell asleep on the way back, Anis and I carried you to your room while Neon escorted Ingrid to home. That is the whole story.

Commander: What a night.

Anis: I couldn't agree more. But wait! Aren't we missing something~?

Commander: ???

Anis: Rapi~.

Neon: Rapi~.

Rapi: That is all, Commander.

Anis: A group of Commanders were drinking in the next room. A girl from that group tried to approach you for a photograph, she was a big fan of you, Commander.

Rapi: Anis!

Anis: Rapi took the vacant seat next to you before that girl could, saying you were busy at the moment. Isn't that something~?

Commander: Rapi?

Rapi: No comment.

*BlaBla Chat Ended*

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