Red Hood - 3 (Lost)

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Broken glasses littered on the ground, I step over them and push through the leftover half of a door. Lots of empty shelves and showcases in a big room, it looks like the place was once a pawn shop. I scan around, searching for anything I can use to help prolonging my survival on the surface.

For a while, I look over each section. Nothing of use, what's left are items that serve no meaning in a world filled with humans-killer machines. I let out a long sigh - not from feeling dreaded - I just need a short stop before finding a way to cross over the big canal.

It's a quiet morning. I hear no sound, no metallic footsteps from the Raptures. This place, this old pawn shop should be a good place for me to make the stop. I have plenty of spots to take cover, more than one exits to make a run in case of emergency.

I checked the exits, all lead straight to the alleyways on both sides of the building. I settle behind a showcase which is the furthest from the main entrance and close to the backdoor.

Backpack hit the dirty ground, I lean my back against the empty showcase and keep my armor vest on. The handgun stays inside the holster and the rifle rests within my reach, my arms need a rest after carrying it for hours.

In the silence, my thoughts begin to wander. It's just me. A human far away from home, ends up lost somewhere in the world. The loneliness has never missed the chance to test my patience.


My gaze stops at a closed cabinet, the object inside pinches my interest. As I try to open it, the glass window barely holds and falls of its hinge. I manage to catch it before unwanted attentions are drawn to this place. Now, I get a clear view of the object.

A cassette player, old model.


It's not working, the thing is broken for good. It's the kind of thing you can hardly find anywhere in the Ark. Yet, another one is here. It reminds me of a certain gift from a friend.

Red Hood: Hum Hum~. La du du li la~!

By the campfire, Red Hood was humming with the song from her cassette player. Her head tilted back and forth, left to right in a joyful manner. She has her heart fully poured into the classic melody.

Red Hood: You know. Back in the days when I was camping by myself, I always put on one of my favorite songs and hummed along with it.

Commander: I can see that.

Red Hood: It's a nice way to pull you into a mood. I love spending me-time with nature, but some times I'd like to have a companion just to make the trip more interesting.

Commander: So it used to be like this with Snow White?

Red Hood: Yep! A couple times, we both had tons of fun together. Now I'm with you.

I listen to the song and hum along.

Red Hood: Haha! You got the gist! If you happen to be alone without anyone else, for a while loneliness will kick in. That sort of thing can be good, but when it becomes too much you start to endure the silence, your mind is messy.

Commander: ...

Red Hood: That's why you gotta remember to sing the songs you like, it'll keep you in the mood.

As I recall, I start humming.

The careful whisper of my voice swipes away the solitude with one of Red Hood favorite songs. After the short break, I feel refreshed.

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