Red Hood - 5

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Reclamation Site 05, Greenwood.

Red Hood wanted to go on a camping trip, I drove us three hours away from the closest Outpost.

That was yesterday.

After filling the basket with dried leaves, I return to the camp site. The amount should be enough to keep the fire running tonight. The smell of fried fish tickles my nose, I faintly see a column of smoke on the other side of the tree lines. The place where I'm at is not really a dense wood. Nonetheless, I don't want to stray too far in an unfamiliar place.

Among the green, the distinguish color of bright red comes into my vision. I know I'm on the right path.

Red Hood is humming while she's tending to the food. She grabs a stick and rolls the fried fish above the fire. Despite the cool weather, she preferred to put on a jacket. Like the cassette player, it's a part of her she can't let go.

As she sees me, Red Hood's already lively smile lit up.

"Ay, Handsome. You're back! Good timing, these fish are just about to be done. Come grab some."

Just what I need, all that trips around the wood have made my stomach rumbling. I put down the basket, skip over to the campfire and take a bite on the crispy dish before my mouth could begin to water.

It's been a while since I ate something from the surface. Paperwork and missions gave me little time to have a proper meal, I can go with Splendamin for days but I'm begin to feel my own limit. Nothing beats real food once you tasted the first bite.

"Hot!" I was so hungry I forgot.

I slip a gasp, blowing wind into my mouth to cool down the burn on my tongue before taking in the aroma of the earth turning into charcoal. Sniff! It burned just right, somewhat charred but edible. Wait a minute, the smell is different. It doesn't come from the fish.

I look at the tents we'd set up last night. Those are gone, leaving a suspicious burning mark on the ground with lingered smoke. Another person is missing too, she was still asleep when I left.


Noticing my gaze, Red Hood starts whistling loudly.

"Where's Nihilister?" I ask.

"Eh, she's probably going out for some fresh air around here. No need to worry about her, she'll come back."

Suddenly, a flash flies past the edge of the cliff and lands in front of us.

"You've got a lot of nerve, Wolf Thing! I'm not even done talking, how dare you played dirty!"

Nihilister crashes the ground in fury. Her fierce expression is a stark contrast to Red Hood's relaxing face.

"Hohoho! And? Are you expecting more?" Red Hood taunts.

"Human, you stay back. I'll make her feel sorry for that running mouth!"

Adrenaline overwhelms my hunger, I drop the food and run in between the two red heads.

"Wait, what's going on?"

Red Hood giggles at my question.

"Oh, nothing much~. Me and Mommy Dragon here were getting a little frisky while you were gone. My touches made her feel so good she keeps asking for more~."

"That is BULL! You threw me down the cliff!"

"It was just a nudge. I thought you could handle it."

"Oh yeah?! How about I nudge you back?!"

Nihilister's anger is apparent. I can feel the same from the sharpness in Red Hood's eyes.

"Guys, hold up. What happened?" I try to appease the tension between the two.

"She denied me what I own." Nihilister says.

"Which is not true, you own nothing here." Red Hood chimes in. "You tried to tag along not because of the fun. You just don't like us sharing the same tent.....or the sleeping bag."

Red Hood winks at me much to Nihilister's annoyance.

"Human, move out of the way." Knuckles crack, Nihilister steps toward. "I'm going to see what kind of noise she will make in pain!"

"Oh wow, jeez! What are you saying?!" Red Hood doesn't feint surprise. It's another one of her antics. "Handsome is standing right there! Don't cause misunderstanding! Mind you, I'm not into roughed play."

She beams me a smile.

"Wouldn't say no to you though, I could use some of that Rizz from last night."

That pushes Nihilister's button.

"He's my stuff!"

"This again? He isn't no one's stuff. First come, first serve. Me and Rapi have been with Handsome since the beginning. This body has a deepened relationship with him." Red Hood declares. "We gave him a lot more than just hugs, you know."

To be honest, I feel butterflies in my stomach after hearing that.

"That's it! A rematch! You, me, down the cliff. NOW!"

Nihilister has enough and Red Hood grins in the face of that invitation.

"Heh. Sure thing~! Let's continue where we left off. You barely held up against a half of me. I'm confidence the result won't change."

Both dash off before I can have my say. Guess I better leave them for now and focus on fixing the tent.

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