BlaBla Chat #14 (White Day Gifts)

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*RAN Group Chat*

Anis: Remind me. Commander left early today, wasn't it?

Neon: Yes. Master mentioned he has something to do in the Ark.

Anis: At which time did he leave?

Rapi: Early morning, 5 a.m. Is something matters, Anis?

Anis: Well, today is White Day. *Anis posts a picture of a white box containing a mini gift inside.* I found this in front of my room.

Neon: !!! *Neon posts the same picture* Me too!

Anis: Rapi, what about you? Did you receive the same thing?

Rapi: *Upload a picture* It's on my work desk.

Anis: Nice! Guess we all received the same gift box.

Neon: Seems like Master prepared it for us right before he leaves. A mini gift inside a box. Cute!

Anis: Did you open it yet?

Neon: Not yet. But I believe it's an Ultra Extreme Super Rare Bullet!

Anis: It's chocolate.

Neon: GASP!!! I just found out about it! Anis, how could you do this to me?!

Anis: ...

Neon: It was supposed to be a precious Ultra Extreme Super Rare Bullet! You blew White Day Miracle out of my Master's gift!

Anis: Neon, nobody uses a bullet as a gift.

Neon: In that case, I wish your chocolate doesn't have a heart shape!

Anis: .....wait, now that you mentioned it, it doesn't have a heart shape.

Neon: Ha! Obligation Chocolate in your face!

Anis: Okay, are you in your room?

Neon: I am.

Anis: Good! You stay right there! I'm gonna come over and make you eat those words! I'll get back my White Day Miracle!

Neon: Nuh uh! I'd rather eat my cutely drawn chibi face on this chocolate!

Anis: EXACTLY!!!

Rapi: Both of you stop arguing. I'll let Commander know we've received his gifts.

Anis: Yeah, you do that.

Neon: Please go ahead.

Anis: Neon, don't you running away.

Neon: I'm running away.

Rapi: ...

*End of RAN Group Chat*

*Counters Group Chat*

Rapi: We received your gifts. Thank you, Commander.

Commander: No. Thank you. Happy White Day, Rapi.

Anis: Wow, just like that? Commander, you're missing out on us!

Neon: As the Elite Member of Counters, I want to hear it too!

Commander: You two, Happy White Day.

*End of Counters Group Chat*


Syuen: ???

*As Syuen ponders over an unfamiliar box in her office, she opens it.*

Syuen: What's this? A mini gift box with chocolate inside? Is this my face? Who drew my face on this thing? What lame artistic skill! It could have been beautifully made!

*Syuen continues to ponder.*

Syuen: No.....more importantly, why the chibi face? Who's this from? Wait a second, don't tell me?!

*A grin forms on her lip.*

Syuen: Kuh! Kukuku! A reciprocal gift, how nice! That Commander's always been acting like he couldn't care less but he actually can't stop thinking about me and my Valentine gift, eh! Serve you right! The Great Syuen finally got to your head!

*Feeling she's won in a battle only her would know, Syuen skips her steps back and forth.*

Syuen: Now then, what shall I ever do? Should I wait for his next call or should I just call him?......Hm? There're more of these in the box?

*Three more mini gift boxes are placed next to a piece of paper.*

*Note: White Day Gifts for Matis Squad Members.*


*Syuen's triumphant smile crumbles, realizing she isn't the only one to receive a White Day gift.*

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