BlaBla Chat #3 (New Year, New Sword - Aftermath)

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Rapi: Commander. Are you still hiding somewhere in the Outpost?

Commander: I'm with Scarlet on the surface. On my way back now.

Rapi: Commander, just to be sure. Let us know when you arrived at the Elevator, you will need an escort.

Anis: The other Nikkes have calm down somewhat. Though for the time being, you might need to barricade your room.

Commander: ?

Anis: Isabel stopped by just a moment ago.

Commander: !?

Anis: Since you aren't here, she's gone to somewhere.

Rapi: Members of Underworld Queen also came to the Outpost. Rosanna was looking for you, after she caught wind of what Noise did to your cheek.

Commander: ...

Neon: Matis squad paid a visit, wrecking the after-party with their antics like usual. They wanted a sleepover in your room, Anis drove them away.

Commander: Did they also.....

Neon: Yes, they heard. Their antics got wild.

Anis: Pretty much everyone was on the hunt. Noise sure got everyone riled up real good, I'll give her that.

Neon: You were clearly upset too, Anis.

Anis: Of course I was! She almost started a civil war in our backyard!

Neon: Absolute and Triangle were here too! Though, they came a bit late after the concert.

Rapi: Emma left you a gift. Be advised, it's a cake.

Anis: Brace your stomach, Commander.

Commander: Scarlet's century old wine is burning my stomach, can't risk it now.

Anis: Into the fridge it goes then.

Rapi: Commander, call use when you arrived.

Anis: Be sure to lock the door tonight, and the window.

Neon: Also remember to wash your face, Master. In case you forgot to do it while you were on the run.

Commander: ...

*Scarlet pecked me on my cheek when we were watching the sunrise. I should probably stay quiet about it.*

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