Modernia - 1 (Heretic)

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Modernia: Whenever I think of those times, they become such pleasant memories to my unusual excitement.

Commander: ...

Modernia: Tell me, Commander. Why is it that you and your squad keeps thriving? Why are you keep coming back to me?

*Counters ready their weapons while I clench my grip on the special tranquilizer gun.*

Modernia: Why are you all so desperate to stand in my way? Is the idea that appealing to you?

Commander: ...

Modernia: Ah! I get it! Once upon a time, I must had been very important to you. Am I right~?

Commander: You still are.

Modernia: I see. That's so good to hear! But those words are starting to bring out that itching feeling in my head. I'm thinking of shutting it down.....permanently.

Commander: You won't.

Modernia: ...

Commander: We'll bring you back.

Modernia: Once again, you make no sense. Very well, I will give it my all~. See if you and your squad can return in one piece this time.

*As Modernia prepares to attack, our adrenalines kick into full drive. The encounter begins in our attempt to bring Marian back.*

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