The date

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"So what plans do you have for us Tomioka-san?" I ask.

The nervous feeling I felt around him returned once again. I tried to control it but I couldn't. I didn't really know what it was but I had a vivid memory of Kanae talking about love. It seemed similar.

"You can just call me Giyuu. And for my plans, they are a suprise." He responds.

"Alright then, Giyuu." I reply.

We walk off to a nearby town. I follow him as he takes me to a fancy restaurant.

"Sorry, I couldn't find anything fancier since their isn't any cities around." Giyuu explains.

"Don't worry, it's not about how fancy the place is. It's about the time we spend together. Don't you agree Giyuu?" I say.

"Your right Kocho." Giyu responds.

"Just call me Shinobu." I say.

We order some food. We exchange looks but don't really say anything while we wait. I stare into his eyes which reminded me of the night sky I watch every night.

"What type of flowers do you like Shinobu?" Giyuu asks.

"Flowers?" I respond.

"Sorry, I thought your supposed to give people you care about flowers." Giyuu explains.

"Oh don't worry, your right. You are supposed to give flowers. I was just quite shocked that you'd give me some." I reply.

"Are we not close?" Giyuu asks.

"We are close." I respond.

I look away as a awkward silence fills the air. I felt embarrassed. Why would he get ME flowers? I mean you are supposed to give flowers to people you care about but nowadays mostly couples do that. Is he saying we could be a couple? I'm probaly just being delusional. After a few minutes, I break the silence.

"So, how have you been." I ask.

"I've been doing well. How about you?" He responds.

"I've been doing fine." I reply.

Just then our food becomes and we begin to dig in.

After eating

"It's time to pay the bill." I say.

"I'll go pay." Giyu replies.

"Why don't we split it?" I ask.

"It's on me." Giyuu says.

"No its not. I insist we split it!" I exclaim.

"I'll pay the full amount." He responds.

"No you won't." I reply.

After arguing back and forth we finally decide to split the bill by 75/25. I would've rather done 50/50 but it's better than Giyuu paying it all.

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