Romance 101

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It was a normal day and I decided to go to Tanjiro's house. I arrive with Yumi at his house and I knock on the door. He opens the door and his smile looks brighter than usual. Tanjiro is always happy so it has to be something really good that made him extra happy.

"Hey guys!" He says.

"Hi!" Yumi exclaims.

"How are you both doing?" He asks.

"We're both doing good." I reply.

"Come inside." He replies.

We get inside his house and Yumi runs to Nezuko and Nezuko starts doing her.

"That brings me back to when we were younger." Tanjiro says.

"That's sort of stuff is for weaklings. I ,Inosuke king of the mountains, do a lot cooler things then that. Like killing bears." Inosuke replies.

"No wonder you get no girls." Zenitsu replies.

"I am too strong for a girl!" Inosuke yells.

"As if!" Zenitsu exclaims.

"Let's calm down!" Tanjiro smiles.

Even when trying to calm down Zenitsu and Inouske he still seemed extremely happy which seemed weird because he'd usually be panicked.

"Why are you so happy today?" I ask.

"I'm officially dating Kanao." Tanjiro replies.

I felt happy for him but horrible for myself. How did Tanjiro manage to get a girlfriend before me. I guess he's just better at me in everything.

"How did you guys get together?" I  ask.

"Just like how everyone does. I told her how I felt and she felt the same." He explains.

"Are there any other ways you can confess?" I ask.

"Well you can always-" Tanjiro says before getting cut off by Zenitsu.

"If you want love advice you should ask me. I, Zenitsu the lady charmer, will teach you Romance 101." Zenitsu replies.

"What exactly is "romance 101"?" I ask.

"It's a guide to how to bag a girl." He responds. "But before we begin, I need to know what stage your on."

"The talking stage." I reply.

"I see and in what way do you want to confess?" Zenitsu asks.

"In any way but saying I love you."I reply.

"There are many different ways, for example, making a code or buying red romantic flowers." He explains.

"I see." I respond.

I went home and sat down in my bedroom. I stared at the ceiling and thought of many ways to confess my feelings. I made a few fake scenarios.

Fake scenario

It was late at night. I took Shinobu to a waterfall with clear blue water and a starry night sky. It was a place my sister Tsutako had often took me too. I enjoyed it and I've wanted to show Shinobu this place for a while.

"How do you like this place?" I ask.

"It's beautiful." She replies.

We look around for a while until I ask her a few flower facts.

"Do you know what yellow flowers represent?" I ask.

"They represent friendship." She smiles.

"Do you know what Red roses represent." I say.

"Love." She replies.

I pull a red rose from the ground and place it in the air.

"Does that mean you love me?" She asks.

"Yes it does. I love you more than anything in this world. I want to spend every moment with you and when I die I want our reincarnations to be together. I want to belong to you. Having friends is a want but to me you are a need. Do you love me too?" I reply.

"I do." She replies.

We lean in to kiss and I grab her so tightly in hopes that I'd never lose her.


"That might be a bit too unrealistic." I think to myself.

I couldn't help myself though. I need her so badly it actaully hurts. I need to confess.

I'm sure there were other ways. Like just engaging straight away or writing a letter but every scenario I made just didn't seem realistic.

The day that Shinobu Kocho is in my arms is the day where I'll truly be the happiest.

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