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My vision is gradually improving. I can now see the outline of things. I think I fainted to the ground last night and someone found my body.

Just then someone walks in. I don't know who. All I can really see is her butterfly clip and she seems to be holding a tray.

"Are you awake?"She says.

"I think so. I reply.

"Great! I must inform Shinobu." The young girl says.

"What happend to me?" I ask.

"Miss shinobu found you on the floor with a Katana in your hand. It is quite a strange case. I've never seen something this unsual. Maybe that is the reason you haven't recovered yet. Shinobu told me that you might just be having some hallucinations but we are still unsure." She responds.

"Thank you for letting me know." I respond.

The girl leaves the room. My vision has gotten better so I can see that it was Aoi.

I'm not sure what exactly happend but I'm sure I cut myself in the wrong spot which caused me too faint. Maybe causing scars on my worthless body is what causes my recovery to slow down. It could cause me to die in a state like this but then Tanjiro and Neuzko would find out I killed myself if I die here.

I have to be more careful until I recover.

A while later

"Hello Tomioka-san! I see you've recovered." She says.

"Yes I'm feeling a lot better now."
I reply.

"What exactly are you doing with your Nichrin sword? The only logical awnser I can find is self harming." She says.

"It's not like that Kocho." I respond.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"I am sure." I respond.

I'm not very good at lying, especially when Shinobu is there. Its like she knows everything. Lying to her is impossible.

"It's not good to do such things. Especially after such a rough battle against Muzan." She explains.

"I am not doing anything." I respond.

Just then she pulls my sleeves up and exposes my scars to broad daylight.

I pull up her sleeves as a reflex to see something that shocks me. Her arm was full of scars. She was no different compared to me. It physically hurt me to see someone like Shinobu in such a state.

An awkward silence fills the room as we both just stand there in shock not knowing what to do.

"I'm sorry." I say "I was unaware of what was on your arms."

"I forgive you but you shall never tell another living soul." She responds with a fake smile on her face.

"Who do I have to tell?" I ask.

"There's always people out there who cafe for you. Like Tanjiro,Nezuko,Zenitsu,Inosuke and even Master Urodaki. Not to mention your dead loved ones." She replies.

"Why don't you take your own advice?" I say.

"Why don't you stop being emotionless?" She responds.

"Why don't you stop fake smiling?" I say

"Why don't you get over your sisters death?" She responds.

"Say that to yourself." I reply.

We continue to argue until someone notices.

"What is all this noise?" Kanao asks.

"Tomioka-san here is being an idiot!" She yells.

"Is that all you have to say?" I ask.

Tanjiro walks over and stops the fight.

"Let's calm down!" He exclaims.

"Mhm" Kanao silently agrees.

"Fine." We both reluctantly respond.

At night

I follow my usual routine and stay up late at night. I sit in the dark hospital room like a plant with no life. I just sit there and regret ever existing. Why am I so useless? I ask myself. I have failed as a human. I cant live for any longer.

I walk over to my sword and I carefully take of the cover. Each time I hesitate less and by now I'm used to it. I know Nee san and Sabito wouldn't want me to do this but I don't have any other choice. As I take of my mismatched Haori and roll up my sleves, I see the door slightly move. I become alarmed by this.

"Who's there?" I ask

"It's just me Tomioka-san." Shinobu responds.

"Can you get lost." I say.

"I won't get out here anytime soon." She responds.

I begin to feel irritated. I just want to live my miserable life in peace. Is that not enough to ask for?

"How unfortunate." I reply.

"Now tell me, what are you doing?" She asks.

"Nothing." I respond.

"It doesn't seem like that." She says.

"Can you stop bugging me. No wonder your the insect hashira." I reply.

"That's not very nice!" She says as she puts the sword away.

"What are you doing?" I snap.

"I'm protecting you." She

"I don't need your protection Kocho." I say.

"Fine but please don't cut yourself. Atleast not until your fully recovered." She replies.

"Thank you. Now go take your medicine." I suggest.

"You can't use that against me!" She exclaims.

"Just drink your medicine and I won't cut myself." I say.

"Fine." Shinobu replies.

She takes a small bottle out of her pocket and begins to drink the medicine.

This goes on for a few days until I can finally recover.

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