31. Loyalties

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"𝕃𝕠𝕪𝕒𝕝𝕥𝕪 𝕚𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕟."

Endings are the new beginnings, with a chance of something blissful or something awful. No matter how beautiful the journey or the chapter was, endings are inevitable. You cannot avoid them, endings are important to secure the balance of the universe.

Endings give birth to new possibilities and new journeys that are important for the life to go on. Otherwise life will halt in the same face. For some people pain and suffering will be forever and for some happiness will be forever.

Jimin sighed opening the kitchen cabinet, going through the stock he has. He was back from the funeral some time ago. He poured himself some and went to the window, staring at the sky. It was continuously raining heavily since the evening. In his line of work, seeing deaths is nothing new.

Criminals, convicts, innocents he has seen all kinds of people meeting their ends. Some in a deserving way but some in a non-deserving way. What makes deaths more hurtful is when you have loving people behind you to mourn for you. If you have such people then you were lucky. Your living was meaningful. Maybe not for everyone but for those people. Those who don't get to be mourned over are real unfortunates.

Jimin couldn't forget Jungkook's face. He wished that if there was anything that he could do for that kid. At such a young age he has gone through many things and who knows many are to come. Being Hoseok with him was relieving because Jimin knew he would do anything to protect Jungkook. Call it experience, but he sees something in Hoseok's eyes for Jungkook. Which led him to be there by the other side.

With Namjoon's death many things will change, he thought. First and foremost command of Black Lotus, in black world it is an unspoken rule. Either you recieve and empire by legacy or it is taken over. In this case, Black Lotus yet had someone to carry the legacy. Kim Taehyung.

"He would never.........", Jimin spoke to himself. Thinking that Taehyung will never carry this on; he was always interested in Kim Industries, which will be also transfered to him given that he is only heir of Kim's left. So, what would be the fate of Black Lotus? If Taehyung gives it up that was for sure, so will it...... Jimin gasped thinking that it might goes to Yoongi. That gave him a crawling feeling.

He was alarmed with the ring on his door. He shook his head, pushing his thoughts away. Place glass on table to went to check who it was this late in night. Upon opening the door he was met with Yoongi.

His clothes drenched in rain and his face in tears. His lips were slightly bluish, probably from coldness. Jimin was taken aback seeing him in this state. He was always the one keeping his guard and stern facade up but now he seemed broken. There was exchange of words but not with mouth, with eyes. Jimin could see through his pain and Yoongi could convey it through his eyes, "I-I am here to stay......." Yoongi said.

Jimin would always tell him to stay, but he never did. He always wanted Yoongi to stay with him till the morning. Now, that he was here, he never wanted it to happen like this. However, the other needed him and he would be there for the man he loved.


Hoseok looked at the boy, sitting on the bed, staring into the white wall, deep in his thoughts. When a person you care for is in pain, you want to do anything to make them feel better. Hoseok wanted to do the same, but at some point you become helpless. Even if you want to do something, you can't do anything.

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