43. Uncertainty

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"𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕓𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕙 𝕠𝕗 𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕥 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝕡𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥."

Living under the fear so long, a point comes where you are not afraid. Knowingly or unknowingly you get closer to the source inflicted the pain. It becomes routine it becomes regular in your life.

For Jungkook it was the same, pain was a part of his life. At this point it doesn't feel different, since he started to make sense of the world around him, scoldings and beatings from his father became his fate. Especially, when his mother died, a year after that before Jin rescued him was a pure torture.

Wounds on wounds, the previous one's were never healed once, when he got to get more. What Taehyung did to him wasn't that worse but the intention was the same. He didn't do anything to his father, yet he suffered in his hands. He didn't do anything to Taehyung, yet he was suffering in his hands.

The difference is now, he learnt to have his way with pain. If the pain was inevitable, Jungkook will take it on his own terms. If he can not escape atleast he can pull his inflictor in it too.

Taehyung's words made him freeze at his place, this was the end of their conversation, but not the end of Jungkook's thoughts. He laid there making no noise or anything, pretending to fall asleep. Was it good or was it bad?

Taehyung's words to bring him back within these walls. But now he was the center of Taehyung's attention. Maybe he will never know before time. He heard Taehyung leaving his room before he opened his eyes, "Did I land myself into trouble again? I guess it was better if I lived in the staff wing....", Jungkook said.


Next two days were pretty peaceful, Taehyung came to visit him in the mornings asking if he took medicines or not to which Jungkook confirmed. Later in the day, Jungkook got to know that Taehyung didn't go to the company he was working from home both days. Jungkook was astonished, thinking his little lie won't make such an impact but somehow it did.

In nights, the also came to visit his room to ask about medicine, last night Taehyung also sat there, working on his laptop. However, there was no exchange of words. To make it less awkward Jungkook pretended to sleep.

So to return the favor he decided to cook lunch and take it to Taehyung himself. It was third day and Jungkook was done doing rest.

"Offer him two percent more than Lee's and convince them. Smuggling surgical instruments through North Korea is not easy, however we need to make this deal, it is worth billions if we succeed. We have done it many times so they can trust us." Taehyung spoke to Yoongi.

"Lee's have coaxed them with something bigger, I guess it would be better if we do the dealing face to face.", Yoongi spoke.

"That's too risky, given that we have suffered a huge loss in past as well Namjoon hyung.... I-i mean, unless before we settle Lee's for better we should not take such a risk..... ", Yugyeom spoke. Taehyung became silent, that's when there was a knock on the door.

"Yes...", Taehyung spoke and it was none other than Jungkook. Yoongi and Yugyeom exchanged looks.

"Even if it's not safe, we have to do it. Additionally, it will be a significant strike on Lee's. I want to weak them to the last extent, before wiping them off." Taehyung spoke.

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