120. Mercy

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"𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕪 𝕚𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔾𝕠𝕕 𝕙𝕒𝕤, 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔾𝕠𝕕 𝕚𝕤."

3 Years Later......

Love....... Is not a mere word and it is not a mere feeling. Love is a blessing and a curse. Love is sanity and love is madness. Love is ease and love brings hardships. Love spreads warmth and love leaves you dying on the cold hard ground. Ask to those who have loved. Ask to those who have tasted it. It is sweet or bitter, love is addicting.

Love knows no limits, no rights, no wrongs. Love knows no white, no black. Love knows no light, no dark. Love knows no religion, no races. Love knows no superior, no inferior. Love chooses, and when it does it makes a poor a king and when it withdraws it makes a king a poor. There is a reason that say love is brutal and when it strikes it leaves no cell unturned in your body.

And what if love adds wait with it? Then it becomes the most lethal weapon in the world that is enough to ruin a well minded person into shred. Turns huge egos into specs of dust. In the hands of love many have suffered and in the name of love many have turned into dust. Kim Taehyung was no different.

A minute without a beloved weighs tons on your soul and Taehyung has spent three years now waiting for Jungkook. Even tho he has never confessed loudly to himself what he has in his heart but it is there. His restlessness tells him it's there. He has brought the whole world to his feet. He has taken revenge from those who made him sugger all his life. But when it comes to Jungkook he is helpless. He is the weakest man on Earth.

Nothing has changed, he still talks to Jungkook one sided for hours and then sleeps there. He wakes up and again carries on with a new day, again in night he does the same, cry on Jungkook's hand, begs him to come back and sleeps when his eyes get tired waiting. He was lost in his thoughts until Yoongi knocked, "Taehyung the company.......", before he could speak a loud cry interuppted him.

Taehyung looked at him and smirked, "So today you are on baby sitting duty...... The Great Min Yoongi of black Lotus handles a infant.......", he mocked.

"Please Taehyung I am already worn out. Jimin had something important came up and he is being crying since morning I don't know what to do......", he sighed as one of the staffs brought bottle of warm milk.

"Come to uncle Minhae.....", Taehyung extended his arms towards the boy who was almost one and a half year old. A year ago Jimin and Yoongi adopted him, a six month old baby, as Jimin wanted to start a family. Now from a year the kid has been apple of everyone's eye in the mansion. Who even took his first step in the mansion. Two years ago Yoongi and Jimin decided to shift to mansion so Taehyung won't feel alone without letting him know the real reason.

The kid leaned over to Taehyung who embraced the boy in his arm. He caressed boys scalp, the boy calmed down and started to giggle, "How on the earth.......", Yoongi placed hand on his mouth and Taehyung chuckled. Taehyung offered him the bottle of milk and Minhae started to feed peacefully. Within next few minutes the boy was asleep with no cares of the world.

Minjun knocked, "Boss Mr. Choi is here....." , Taehyung handed the sleeping boy to one of the staff's.

Taehyung knitted his eyebrows. He didn't call for his lawyer, neither he remembers anything that might have been associated with his visit. Now, from four years all legal matters of Kim Industries are handled by Choi Wooshik. He has his own firm, also he gives advices to Black Lotus's illegal business too, "Send him in....."

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