her again

15 2 0


Another monotonous day.

Another party orchestrated by my dad.


I swiftly wear my coat and headed downstairs to see my dad walking into my home. "Jungkook" he called as I made my way towards him. The glee on his face was obvious when I noticed how tightly he held the lady beside him.

My third stepmother.

"Hi Jungkook" she waved as I replied with a curt nod. "I will be on my way" I spoke and headed straight out before he could say anything else.

Another marriage of his attend. I wondered how many more of those marriages I had to attend in my lifetime. I heard the notification from my phone and opened it.

Taehyung hyung had left a rather long paragraph on how important family events are and that I shouldn't lose my opportunity to loosen up. I scoffed at his paragraph and giving no reply, I closed my phone and focused on the road again.

Arriving at the hall, I parked my car, waiting for more guests to arrive. Helping out wasn't my thing.

I found myself dozing off and before I knew it, it was already 5pm and the event was about to commence. I was consumed by the joyous air that greeted me the moment I stepped in. A rather unfamiliar feeling indeed.

Catching a glimpse of my members, I walked over to them to see a face that I recognised.

Yn Black.

Her and I never shared an understanding to each other. But the woman impressed me. Probably because she was the only lady mafia I knew.

And after all acquaintances, I turned to walk out to enjoy a puff before the evening progressed any further.

The event carried on like all other events. I stood simply in a corner, keeping my eyes open for any movements while playing with my glass of wine. I noticed Yn trying to escape my father that is until he called out to me. And for what? To dance.

Rejecting immediately, I was planning to leave when he spoke up again, tone rather unfriendly. He was no longer asking. Sighing I move towards them and stood opposite to her.

I noticed her features for any sign of nervousness but there was no room for nervousness behind those eyes. They stared right back at me.

"Five minutes then. To make your old man happy" she relaxed her features and waited for me to reply.

Taking her in my arms, we glided on the dance floor, feeling the beat. My eyes never once observed her as I was still on high alert for any danger.

"You just reminded me of someone I know" her eyes dropped down before they went back up.

"Who" I question.

"Me" was her reply.

I noticed the tensing in the shoulders and the way her eyes disconnected from mine. Touchy subject, I concluded.

Soon we were both back to our old positions to scan the surroundings. It was impossible for me to have kept focus with the number of guests that chatted with me. I paid no heed to their comments and focused on my duty when I noticed Yn was no longer in her place. In fact, she disappeared from the venue completely.

Normally I would assume that she left but she wasn't the kind of woman to simply leave my dad's after party. Leaving my post, I went out when I could hear the faint gunshots.

Pulling out my own, I move forward quietly but quickly and my eyes scanned the scene. It was one girl versus fifteen men. I saw how her face winced when she raised her arm to shoot more men and that's when it hit me : she was shot.

Without wasting another moment, I aimed my gun, killing the rest of the guards. The leader of the pack tried getting away but to my surprise, Yn flipped him over, stopping him from escaping.

"Fuck you" she breathed and fainted.

I dialled Namjoon hyung's phone asking him to call an ambulance. Within seconds my members stood around me to handle the bodies that lay dead around us. Yet my eyes were focused on the girl who was carried to the ambulance.

"Jungkook?" Jimin hyung called out and I turned to him.

"We are going to the hospital. You coming?"

I shrugged. "No"

"No choice anyways. Your dad wants you to accompany us" Jimin pulled my hand and we drove behind the ambulance.

Arriving at the hospital, she was immediately taken into surgery and we were left to wait for the next five hours. I stared mindlessly towards the door waiting for it to open and ended up falling fast asleep.

A nudge to my shoulder awoke me from my peaceful slumber. "She's out" my dad pulled me up and hurried along after the doctor. Together we all went inside her room and the doctor granted us the news.

"She should be awake only by tomorrow—"

"I'm good doctor" she groaned and sat up earning a look of shock from the doctor.

"What are you staring at?" she snapped at him as he gulped down his saliva and quickly shook his head. "Are you sure you are okay Miss? The surgery anaesthesia should have knocked you out for at least the next twelve hours" he asked, flabbergasted.

Yn rolled her eyes and sat upright. "Doc I have suffered worse" she sighed and stared outside.

The doctor left the room still shocked while the others huddled around her bed.

"My child are you okay?" my dad cried and pulled her into a tight hug. "Leave me" she ordered and he let her go immediately. "I am fine old man" she attempted for a smile but I could easily see the thirst for revenge behind her eyes.

"Thank you Jeon Jungkook" she voiced out. I look up from the back and for the first time I noticed a different expression in her eyes.


I shrug my shoulders and stood up to exit.

"We will find him" I heard Taehyung hyung comforting her but what she said made me turn around.

"No need. He's my prey"

I watched her closely. Her eyes met mine for a split second. They screamed for revenge. I knew then that she had some past with him.

"Will you join me?" she asked boldly.

I pondered over this. She had something in her certainly. No woman ever interested me as much as she did. What was her story? I was curious. I shrugged my shoulders and exited quickly.

Jeon Jungkook
I'm in.

I smiled at his message.

That was the beginning of a very scary and thrilling ride.


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