jungkook, i need you

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I rushed into the guest room, wiping the beads of sweat while I attempted to steady my breathing. My encounter with Jungkook was not something ordinary. The way he came closer, his husky voice near my ear got me so weak in the knees. I could feel the rosy tint on my cheeks but I slapped my cheeks. "Yn get a grip!" I talked to no one in particular. Pressing my hand over my chest, I sank into the floor. God his voice, his body, his hands, his demeanour. Everything about him suddenly felt a thousand times more attractive.

I decided it was best for me to take a shower and sleep off these emotions so that is exactly what I did.

The loud knocking on the door woke me up. I wondered whether I overslept but looking over at the clock, it was 5am. Growling I get out of bed and opened the door to see Jungkook dressed in a black oversized t-shirt paired with grey sweatpants. "It's 5am" I whisper-yelled and he removed his hood. "Let's go"


"Seokhoon. Time to have another talk with the cunt" he grinned and turned around. I quickly followed him and together we headed downstairs. This time it wasn't the basement, more of like a prison. I noticed many victims lying behind bars until we reached the very end. "Visiting again?" I heard his voice and my fists clenched. It took all of my nerves not to give another punch to his face.

"Seokhoon..." Jungkook swung the door open and stepped inside. I was quick to follow him and the door closed behind us. "Mm Yn, I miss your body" Seokhoon stared at me up and down and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah well I certainly do not miss your dick inside me. Shut the fuck up" I snap back.

"I guess the both of you have decided to believe me" he snickered and leaned against the wall. He definitely looked much weaker. The bones on his hand were popping out. But pity? Pfft I didn't have one bit for him.

"My father. Did he kill my mom? Why so?" I asked.

"Well from what I know, your father had some big plans. But your mother was against it. She hated him being part of the mafia world to begin with so they fought a lot. I remember hearing the two of them yell. Your mom was pregnant with you at the time" Seokhoon looked at me, his eyes twinkled under the light.

"Once you were born, your dad took you back home while they locked your mother in the basement. She was in the cell right opposite to mine."

"Your dad shot your mom straight in the head two days after your birth. I remember looking into her eyes. What's funny is, it didn't seem like she was surprised of his betrayal nor was she scared that a gun was pointed to her head. It was almost as if she knew all this would happen which makes me wonder whether your mother also kept secrets" Seokhoon looked away.

"Why are you so willing to tell me this?"

"Because Yn, when the time comes, you will come to me again. And again. And again. And it gives me a chance to see your beautiful face and wonder how much is actual beauty and how much is just a coward behind a mask" he laughed and with that we exited.

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