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I saw her turn around. And I felt my heart getting crushed.

"Yn.." I call out but she sighed. "Nicely played Jeon"

"Yn listen to me it's not what you..."

"We are gonna be late" she walks past me but I made the mistake of holding her hand. She was now holding me at gunpoint. "Fucking touch me you cunt and you won't live to see another day" she pressed the end to my forehead, her finger lingering over the trigger. Was I scared of the gun? No. Was I scared of her? Yes.

"Yn... please" I beg. But she quickly shot the vase in the room. "Don't test me Jeon. Let's go"


Whatever I felt for him was a lie. I was betrayed by someone I accidentally trusted. Did I feel heartbroken? No. Was I lying? Yes.

I was more than heartbroken. I was crushed. I felt like a glass vase that had just been dropped by a person. Did he have fun playing with my emotions? I knew he was a heartless mafia but to the point where he would fake it this much? I just didn't expect that.

The car ride was quiet. I had to control every urge in me to kill this motherfucker. What pleasure did he get by watching me be weak in front of him? I was happy. I was finally happy. I was starting to open my heart to a person who I believed I could trust but it was all just a facade.

"We reached" he announced and I got out without another word. He stood next to me as we waited for them to come out. "Tear up the contract. You will leave tomorrow morning" I announced.

"Yn..." he tried again but then my eyes caught hold of Yoongi and I walked towards them.

After all the welcome hugs, we drove back to my place where a hearty korean feast awaited the six men. "Yn....we do not deserve you" Jin eyed the dishes hungrily and I chuckled. "Go eat hungry buffalos!" I nudge the others until it was once again just Jeon and I.

Why was the warm feeling still lingering? Why did I still have the urge to just hug him and cry my eyes out? Why did I have to fall for him? A traitor.

"Will you at least let me speak?" he groaned in frustration but I simply walked past him. I heard him curse but I did not ever wish to utter a word to him. It was to protect myself. I had to protect myself.

But my heart warmed on the sight of the six grown babies hungrily feeding their stomachs. At least I knew they wouldn't hurt me. I felt his presence behind me once again and then a tiny gasp left my mouth when I felt his arms around my waist. With the blink of an eye, him and I were in my bedroom.

"What the fuck Jeon?!" I yell as I push him away from me but then the next sight shocked me even further.

He got on his knees. He cupped his hands together, begging.

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