unconvenient truth

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"Ready?" I look at Jungkook who had his eyes locked to the laptop screen. Hitting play, we watched the video.

He shut the laptop off, cursing and then turned towards me. I wish I could tell him that I was okay but I was neither okay nor could I even speak. I had just found out that everyone including Mr Jeon had lied to me. Seokhoon was wrong. My father didn't kill my mother. Mr Jeon was wrong too.

The truth was that it was Mr Jeon who killed my parents. Both of them. I could hear the faint voices of my parents. I had learned to block out the past but they were creeping in once again. The voice of my dear mum singing to me and the sound of my dad recording a video of us. But those voices faded. They faded into screams.

I was there. I was there when they died. I urged my brain to remember the details and finally the pieces clicked together.

I was there. My parents were tied. They said they love me. They said that I had to keep away from the mafia world. My mom started singing my lullaby and then a gunshot.

Crying I fall down but Jungkook caught me. "Jungkook... Jungkook" I shivered while breaking down into sobs. Why did it have to be me?


"Hey.. Hey.. Yn please" I watched her cry into my chest uncontrollably. I was helpless.

"I was there Jeon. I remember now. My parents told me they loved me. My mother started singing a lullaby when Mr Jeon—-" her voice faltered and she broke down. I felt her body shaking and I immediately picked her up while rushing into the bedroom.

"Yn" I gently lay her down. "Jungkook I lost everyone. I lost everyone. The one person who I thought wouldn't hurt me was your father and now.... Why? Why must it be me? Haven't I gone through enough pain? What did I do that was so wrong for God to punish me this way? Is it because I kill people? I don't kill anyone simply. I kill only those who are meant to die. What am I doing wrong?"

"Yn listen. Shush listen to me. You are strong and beautiful and brave. Look I know your life has been torture but let me tell you something. You still have me. I haven't left you. Yn this is just God's way of testing you. I know you are stronger than this. Believe me when I say I will not leave you"

"Jungkook I cannot trust anyone anymore. I won't put myself through it again. Trust is useless. I put my faith in some people and they have done nothing but hurt me. I have tried to remain strong for as long as possible but I can't no more" she looked up at me.

"Am I an exception?" I whisper while leaning forward.


I felt my throat getting dry. Was he an exception? I sniffled and rubbed my nose and looked away. No. He wasn't.

Turning my head to give him the reply, I immediately felt his warm lips on mine. Was I shocked?


She wasn't even taken aback. Instead she wrapped her arms around my neck, pushing my head towards her. Her tongue was colliding with mine and I could feel my skin tingle under her touch. My body moved to hover over her while I slowly laced my hand through hers.

We both needed this.

I slowly pull back, breathing heavily against her cheek, planting a swift kiss on either sides.


"Kook...." I whisper as I observe his face change at the new nickname. "Is that my new name?" he whispers and I nod.

"I like it" he whispers again but this time near my ears, setting fireworks all over my body. These feelings were so new. "Yn" he cooed.

"Kook" I whisper back and then he immediately pulled me towards his chest. "We will figure everything out together okay?" he slowly patted my back until I found myself dozing off.

It was two days after the incident. Naturally I found myself distancing from Jungkook after the kissing incident but he seemed to be the complete opposite. It felt like he was clinging onto me all the time though it would be a lie if I deny that I didn't enjoy the attention. In fact I secretly craved for more. But I didn't show it nor did I want to accept the fact that I could possibly be liking this guy romantically.

"Yn" he called out to me from the living room. We were both getting ready to go to the office. I was whipping up some coffee for the two of us but when he called I went towards him. "Your tie is messed up" I sigh and walk over towards him. I tugged on his tie while fixing it but it was obvious he was staring down at me.

I raised my head up and our eyes naturally locked. I felt his arms circle around my waist but I was lost behind his eyes to even bother moving away. I felt him lean in and I snapped quickly. "Let's go" I quickly run out of the living room but I clearly heard Jungkook giggling to himself.

"Son of a bitch" I mumble though clearly smiling at myself.

Arriving at the office was not a pleasant sight. As soon as I stepped into my office, Mr Jeon was waiting for my presence. And I found myself familiar with the lullaby and the gunshots. Mr Jeon smiled but I felt no love for him. It was like the respect and love I gave him simply disappeared in one night. Jungkook easily picked up on my uneasiness and was quick to hold my hand. Seeing this motion, Mr Jeon eyed his son with a hint of mischievousness.

"Go" I step back.


"Please go before I hurt you. Get lost! Get out of my sight!" I scream before turning around and digging into Jungkook's shoulder. His arm firmly rested on my waist, rubbing my back to calm me down. "Dad please go" he warned.

"What is happening?"

"Here watch this" he threw the SD card towards his dad and stepped aside while lifting me with one arm flawlessly. Mr Jeon exited and the door shut behind us. "Yn" his hand cupped my cheek while I looked away.

"Can we go and work at your office? I do not want to stay here..."

"Let's go" he said without much hesitation.


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