almost a third time

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"Turn the car around FAST!" I yell at my driver as he swerved and rushed down the road. I had just received a notification from Yn that she was in danger. "SPEED UP" I yell thunderously and eventually we arrived. I pulled out my gun and smash the door open. I heard some sounds coming from the top floor and followed the noise.

Pushing the door open, I aim for his leg and pulled the trigger. Hearing his scream was satisfactory.

"Ju—Jungkook" a small voice from the other side called out. I turn and immediately untied the ropes while wrapping her in a blanket. "Yn wait I will get you some—"

She jumped on me causing her sheets to even come down. Her arms circled around my neck as she gripped on me and snuggled herself into my neck. "I was scared. I was so scared. I felt like just giving up" she muttered frighteningly as I slowly raised my arm and patted her bare back.

"Yn" she looks up at me, her eyes red from crying as I quickly remove my jacket. "Wear this for now" I raised it up but she barely moved. She simply stared into my eyes but I knew her mind was far away. "Is it okay if I touch you? To help you wear this?"

She nodded.

I slowly raised her arms and helped her with the jacket. Finally zipping it up, I called the guards, asking them to take him away to my house.

"Yn I will call your maid.."

"No. You stay. I want only you to stay" she whispered, closing her eyes to finally let the tears fall out. "Please. I am asking a favour as an acquaintance"

Her and her words. Even despite crying her eyes out she kept up her politeness and charm. I knelt down beside her, staring at her face. Comfort wasn't my cup of tea but somehow I found myself calming her down. "Jungkook I want to shower. I need to get his filth off of me" she whispered and I got up immediately to run her a bath.

"Yn come" I called out to her and she followed me into the bathroom. I handed her a towel and one of my t-shirts and shorts since I couldn't find where her clothes are. "I will be right outside if you need me okay?" I quickly raise my hand to caress her cheek but decided against it. It was too much compassion.

"Take your time" and I closed the door behind me. I sighed while staring at the blood on the ground. Suddenly a fiery rage took over me as I marched downstairs. Locking the door, I move upstairs and locked her bedroom door.

I heard the sobs from inside the bathroom and once again that gut wrenching aching began. This was the first time I ever saw Yn Black cry. And it killed me.

An hour later, the door swung open revealing her in my clothes. I stare at her figure until she came in front of me and snapped her fingers. "You good?"

"Sorry. Are you fine?"

"Yes I am. Let's go to your house"she grabbed her coat but I reach over and held her arm. "Yn you don't—"

"I have to Jungkook" she freed her arm, unlocked the door and headed downstairs. I followed her downstairs as she locked the door and we got in my car. "Drive" I ordered and my driver stepped on the pedal. Time to time I found my eyes wandering over to her but she was preoccupied with her thoughts.

"Jungkook what's our play here?" she turned and I looked away. "Your way" I replied and closed my eyes.


"You sure?" I asked once again though I received no reply. I took it to assume he was sure of his decision. My eyes landed on the gun strapped to my thigh. I felt disgusted. It would have been a third time if it weren't for Jungkook. I glanced at his direction but he had his eyes closed.

The warmth I felt from him mere seconds ago had vanished. The heartless beast was now activated. It was what I wanted. Emotions are never good. It weakens us. It weakened me. I felt a sharp gaze and peeked over my shoulder. Jungkook simply looked at me and pointed to his house.

"We have arrived"

"Where is he?"

"Basement" he grinned and got out and I was quick enough to follow him.

His house was gorgeous. To be frank if the circumstances were better I would have internally died at its architecture but my mind simply overflowed with the thought to kill that man. "Let's go" he voiced and headed downstairs into the darkest room I could have possibly ever entered. It was only once I was inside, the lights turned on and his filthy body came into view.

They had beaten him up pretty badly which eased my nerves. "Baby..." he whispered out to me as I knelt down. "Seokhoon" I addressed. His eyes glinted mischievously as I felt the building urge to shoot his face. But no. I needed to know some things.

"Make him sit" I commanded and immediately Jungkook's guards yanked his body and tied him to a chair. "Now Seokhoon, I ask and you answer, got it?" he smiled in response.

"Why are you after me?"

"You are mine baby girl" he cooed and earned a smack from me.

"Your father, the cunning backstabber he was. Do you know what he did? DO YOU?" he yelled.

"YOUR FUCKING FATHER KILLED MY PARENTS AND KEPT ME LOCKED UP IN HIS BASEMENT FOR YEARS!!!!!!!" he screamed while shaking his body. I simply watched him, unable to say anything back.

"And you know something else? Your dear mother?" he began laughing again until he stopped and stared dead in my eyes.

"He killed her right after your birth"


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