awaited dinner

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I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. Well being a mess simply wasn't the word I would use. My eyes burned from the mini crying session I had. Jungkook was waiting for me right outside but the thought of facing him was something I had been dreading. First the hickey and now this?

What was I even doing with him in the first place?

I quickly freshened up and exited the bathroom when his figure came beside me. "Hey" he whispered. I flashed him a grin since no words came out of my mouth. "Yn" his fingers held my chin and he turned my head towards him. "Hi" I breathed.

"Do you want to stay here for a while?"

"NO!" I practically almost yell but quickly composed myself. "No thank you Jeon. You have done more than enough for me" I say.

"I want you to stay" his gaze lowered and a silence carried the room. Did he say that he wanted me to stay? I wasn't sure whether I heard him correctly but before I could ask anything further he quickly looked up at me.

"Never mind then! Text me when you reach home or if there's any problem. I won't be here to walk you out" he patted my shoulders and left immediately. I could hear the front door open and close and soon the sound of his car starting gave me the confirmation that he had left.

I called up my guards to ensure that my home was free from the by-passers. Pushing the door open, I walk downstairs and outside his house where my car was waiting for me. Quickly hopping in, I pull the seatbelt and then leaned back.

Why was I faltering? Why was a man making me rethink every decision? Why was he the one to make me feel like I'm more than an empty vessel? Why was he the one that was able to comfort me when no one else could in the past twenty eight years of my life?

"Ma'am?" My driver looked at me through the rear view mirror and I faced him. "Ma'am my intention is not to overstep the line but I think it is best you keep your distance from Mr Jeon. Please I know I am in no position to say this but after being your driver for over five years, I just feel as if you are my own family. Please be careful around him. Sweet and flattering as he is, every mafia has a dark inside, including yourself ma'am" he warned and then continued to drive.

I hated that he was right. He was one of my longest companions. He was like a family that I never had. He was two years older than me. "Thank you oppa" I smile. "And yes you are right. Enough of romance in my life. Business means business." I had enough of this. Whatever weird tension was going on between me and him had to stop. And there was only one way it could be stopped.


"You wish to terminate the contract?" I repeat again and she nodded. She was back to being her emotionless self again. "Why may I ask?"

"Jeon. Our partnership is no longer strictly professional. If we keep working together, I do not think we will be able to manage to keep our personal lives out of our professional one" she stared at me waiting for a big reaction but I just flashed a grin.

"Thank you. Actually I was going to meet up with you with a request to terminate the contract but the files took a while to be printed. Well then?"

"Seokhoon is still in your custody and we still have that dinner with your father left. After the dinner and after transferring Seokhoon into my cell, I guess we can call it quits" she signed the document and handed it over to me.

"Do not sign until the end of the day" she advised.

"The dinner is tonight isn't it? Well I will send out invitations. That includes you too Black. Let's try to find out whatever we can"

I looked at my assistant and waved her towards me. "By tonight, Seokhoon should arrive at Miss Black's headquarters but he must be under strict surveillance" I quickly looked up at Yn. "Do you mind if I keep some of my personal guards to keep watch over him?"

"No I do not. In fact I would really appreciate the help."

"Well then send out three of my guards along with him and they will be under Miss Black's orders for the time being" and my assistant left to do the needful. I turned my attention back to Yn, who still had her eyes on me.

"Shame that this had to end so soon" she remarked while getting up.

"Yes. Shame indeed" I voice back but I wasn't really paying attention to her. My eyes followed to the hickey that I had given her three days ago. She hadn't bothered to cover it up with makeup which made me feel joyful. Suddenly the craving to have her in my arms grew and I knew it was time to end our little meeting.

"Well then. See you at 7 for dinner at my place" I open the door and she nodded. With that final nod, she left and I closed the door immediately, without another look back. The sudden termination took me by surprise of course but it was needed. These emotions that stirred up was so foreign to me that I had no idea how to react or hide it.

"The invites..." I mumble and began typing away on my phone to invite my members and my dad over for dinner.


"Dinner again at this place" I sigh and look up at the Jeon mansion. My eyes tore away from the sight of the house when the sound of a car caught my attention. Hoseok oppa and Jimin oppa stepped out, looking as dashing as ever, and stood beside me. "Yn!" I smiled.

Jimin oppa was quick to give me a hug and Hoseok oppa simply smiled. We knocked on his door and a beautiful man opened the door. Well it was Jungkook himself but I could once again feel the heat rush when his eyes locked with mine. He wore a navy blue shirt and black skinny jeans that accentuated his tiny waist. His wet-dry hair fell onto his big brown eyes. "Hi guys" he stepped aside and together we got in.

"My child!!" I heard Mr Jeon call out to me and I turned to face him. "Hey old man"

"You don't even call me anymore! And what is this I find out that you were in a partnership with my son?!" he screeched and I threw a dark stare towards Jungkook. "It's nothing. Just something to help Black Enterprises and Jeon Ltd grow as businesses" I smiled because that was all I could do.

"I just need to use the washroom"

"It's down the hall—" Taehyung oppa began but I cut across him.

"Down the hall, take a right and first door on the left" I nodded and turned before the realisation struck me. "How the hell do you know that" Taehyung asked me and once again I felt embarrassed.


"She came here with her guards to transfer a murderer into my holding" Jungkook immediately intervened and I thanked him through my eyes. With that I left quickly to the washroom before I could be asked anything further.

I sat in the washroom, doing absolutely nothing in particular and left after a while. "Dinner everyone?" Jungkook got up and together we followed him into the kitchen. I ended up sitting right beside Jungkook which was certainly not my choice but there was no seat elsewhere. Reluctantly I obliged.

"All this looks delicious" Jin immediately started filling his plate and we all dug in quietly. That is until Jungkook tapped my knee and signalled me to start the question and answer session.


"Hmm?" Mr Jeon looked up at me.

"Can you tell me about my dad and his life as a mafia?"


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