a month passed

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"Truth about the past? Why does everyone keep telling me this? Were my parents that amazing?" she continued typing away while I sank onto the couch right beside her. Sipping on coffee in the evening was not my style but I guess I did change a lot.

"Where do I even start with?" Yn was busy mumbling while still paying attention to her important email. I watched her from the side when a sudden realisation struck me.

"Jin hyung!" I smile and jump to my feet. Yn passed a judgemental look before continuing to type but I held the laptop up and closed it.

"Hey!" she whined and I cut right across her.

"Jin hyung! And the other hyungs! They worked with your dad didn't they?" I watched the realisation sink in her when her face split into a bright smile. "But.... Currently they are on a mission so we have to wait" I added on.

"I will text Jin oppa" Yn smiled and then headed towards the kitchen. "Hey Jeon?" I turned to face her.

"Come here please" she smiled and I moved towards her. Quickly she got her tiptoes, pulled my shirt towards her and planted a soft peck on my lips. It was so soft that I wondered whether she actually met my lips or not. "What was that for?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"I guess it was something I had been wanting to do for a while" she smiled and then rushed up the stairs, leaving me alone in the kitchen. But I was so happy. That moment was the happiest I had ever been. My fingers touched my lips as I imagined the moment that had occurred a few seconds ago. I felt the inner lion in me purr in satisfaction.

My eyes glanced up to her room, contemplating some life altering decisions but I had to control myself. We were partners, nothing more.

Nothing more.

I wanted it to be something more. I realised I was coming to understand my emotions a lot more and it was all thanks to her. Do I love her? Absolutely no.

Am I lying? Absolutely yes.


"Jeon!!" I screamed from the kitchen when a sleepy-eyed Jungkook came downstairs, rubbing his eyes. "Whattttt" he groaned. "I have been calling your name for the past thirty minutes!! We need to go and pick up oppas from the airport and you are late!!!" I yell while going to pull his ears.

It had been almost a month later. I texted Jin oppa asking when they will be back and he said that their mission is bound to take approximately a month. During that one month, Jungkook and I decided to get some answers from Seokhoon but he was of no use. All he talked was about how he wanted to fuck me again. So we dropped it and decided to wait for a month.

This month was rather surprising. Living with a guy was just not my style but he made it so easy. He was the first person I saw in the morning and the last person I saw before I slept. It was nice.

And after a long time, I was starting to open my heart. I wasn't sure whether if this was what people called feelings but I had to admit that this man made me feel safe. And safe wasn't something that I was accustomed to. So the feeling was weird.

Like the moment he walked into a room my eyes would just latch onto him. And I would feel the rhythm of heartbeat getting faster per second. No matter how mad or sad I felt at that moment, the feeling would vanish and a warm fuzzy feeling would encompass my heart. It was like suddenly everything was black except him. He was the light among the darkness. Light in my darkness so as to speak.

These were feelings. This was love. I had realised it but I wouldn't act on it. Acting on it meant interfering with the partnership. I loved him yes, but not enough to put love over work. Work was my first and last priority.

"Go and get ready quick!" I yell while pushing him out of the kitchen. During this past month our bond grew closer. It was a first for both of us. To trust someone wasn't easy but we both decided to give it a shot. And so far it was great. I already told him almost everything about my life and he talked about his too. We both realised how alone we were while growing up. No wonder we were similar. That night, that very same night was when I realised I had already fallen for him.

I continued to pack some snacks for the oppas, knowing how much they would have missed Korean snacks and while doing so I heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs. It was the same feeling once again. That warm, fuzzy, cosy feeling.

"Let's go?" he asked and I smile.

"One moment. Bathroom" I smile and headed upstairs. I quickly got into the guest room and ran into the washroom.

Coming out, I noticed Jungkook's laptop. "Idiot doesn't even close his laptop" I sigh and move over to close it when I saw the document.

Mission - Kill Yn

1) Get close
2) Get a mission
3) Offer a partnership
4) Choose to live with her

Suddenly the warm fuzzy feeling left.

It was a plan.

All this was a plan. It was a plan to get close to me. Why didn't I see it coming? Why was I so stupid? I felt my eyes weigh with the tears. I wanted to let them drop but I couldn't. If he was going to pretend, I would have to too. At least I would pretend until the day ends. Then I will get him locked up, shoot his head and hide his body.

But my plan would not work.

"Yn..." I heard him.


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