established partnership

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Walking into his office was like walking into a lion's den. His workers stared at me curiously, half fearing for their lives while the others who stared right back at me.

I knocked on the door to his office and his bodyguard opened the door. I signalled my guards to remain outside and walked inside.

The strong scent of his cologne shot up my nose as I glanced around his office.

Simple and minimalistic.

Like him I believed.

"Good morning" a hoarse voice called out. I turned and the young handsome man in a simple black shirt and jeans, crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Good morning Mr Jeon Jungkook" I wished back and took a seat on his sofa. He signalled his guards to pour a cup of coffee but I raised my hand.


"Jeon Jungkook, I am here to do business. Not to sip coffee. Or else I would have gone to café" she dropped her arm.

I smirked.

Smart woman.

"Well Miss Black, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I sat opposite to her and sipped on my morning coffee.

"You said you were willing to help" she leaned back, her eyes locked in mine. I hummed at her statement.

"I was considering a partnership" she spoke and I stared at her with mixed emotions of amusement and confusion. "Partnership between..."

"Jeon Ltd and Black Enterprises" her face lit up while she suggested the idea. "Hm. It's interesting indeed. But I cannot accept until—"

"Here" she placed a binder on the table and slid it across to me. "All details regarding the partnership and details on that fucker Seokhoon"

"I see you are very particular Miss Black" I smirked and pulled the file towards me, impressed by her mannerism and attitude.

"You and me both" she smiled wickedly and got up from her seat.

"I hope to hear back from you soon enough Jeon Jungkook" she raised her hand and I shook on it firmly. Her grip wasn't bad either.

"Good day" she wished and exited quickly. I watched her figure till it disappeared behind the elevators. I found myself staring at the binder with a sly smile.

"Sir!" my bodyguard called out and I shot my head up.

"What?" I growled.

"You were smiling sir" he bowed to apologise.

"Me? Smile?"

"Yes you. Smile."

I caught myself in the mirror and it was true. There was a faint smile dancing on my lips. That woman certainly was something indeed. Chuckling, I place the file on my desk and headed out of the office for my next meeting.

A few days passed and I had given myself enough time to think about the possible partnership with Black Enterprises. I tried considering every possible outcome and they all turned out positive for Jeon Ltd. And a week later I set up a meeting with her, this time at her office.

On arrival, her workers greeted me with a smile which I ignored and marched towards the elevators. Upon arriving at the top floor, the elevators opened straight into her office.

It looked simple and rather minimalistic.

"Jeon Jungkook" she greeted as I looked over my shoulder. Wearing a black loose pants, a white loose shirt and a coat over her, she moved towards me and raised her hand.

"Yn Black" I replied back.


"Have you considered my proposal?" I turned to my staff and asked them to prepare him a coffee but I was interrupted.

"Yn Black, I am here to do business. Not to sip coffee. Or else I would have gone to café" he smirked in my direction as I threw back a sly smile.

"Nicely done" I reply before turning serious once again.

"Yes. Jeon Ltd will love to do business with Black Enterprises" he pulled out the file and placed it on the coffee table.

"Great" I lean back and closed my eyes. The image of Seokhoon flashed before me and I quickly opened my eyes. I could feel the hot sweats trickling down my forehead but right now this wasn't the time to be worrying about a trauma.


"Seokhoon. How do you know him?"

"He was my father's enemy. Now since my dad is dead, he is after me" I get up and move towards the window, staring towards the horizon.

"How did he become your dad's enemy?"

"To be frank with you, I myself do not know. My dad lived as a liar. There were so many things that he hid from me. I do not know why Seokhoon is after me. The exact reason I mean" I sigh and I heard his footsteps moving closer to my direction.

"But I want him dead" I finalised and turned to face Jungkook dead in the eyes.

"With no motive?"


"He raped me when I was sixteen. And then again when I was eighteen"

Fuck. I watched her face change, her hands slowly reaching out to each other and her eyes looked clouded. She was lost in her thoughts. I watched her breaths turning into gasps.

"Calm down" I dragged her to the sofa and sat beside her.

"Jungkook. Panic attack" she clasped my hand, squeezing it tightly while I continued to pat her back. "Hey hey hey... Shhhh... Calm down okay? He isn't here. I am here. Focus on me okay" her eyes teared up and looked at me.

My heart clenched. An emotion I was foreign to.

Instinctively, I pulled her body close to mine, patting her back slowly as she gathered herself once again. "Fuck I am terribly sorry" she composed herself and moved away from me.

I watched her rub her eyes before she turned and faced me once again. Though this time her eyes were still crying out for comfort.


"Jungkook we will continue later. Come over to my place at 8pm for dinner. I will clearly tell you everything. Right now, my emotions are all over the place" her back straightened as she excused herself and went to the washroom.

I placed a hand on my heart. The image of her crying conjured up once again in my mind as I felt the tightness in my chest once again. Fists clenched, I swore to break that man's neck once we found him.

And I realised. My emotions were all over the place too.

"Ah fuck Yn. You and me both" I whisper before exiting her office and the building.


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