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Preoccupied by the urgent call, I barely noticed the pair of arms that wrapped itself around my torso. "Hey" I heard the small, gentle echo behind me and I immediately clutched the slender fingers, her warmth rushing through my skin. "I have to go but keep me updated" I ended the call and spun around to meet my girl.

"Who was that?"

"Well baby...." my voice faltered. Her eyes peered into mine, seeking the truth, half wondering whether I was holding something back. "Tell me Kook" she emphasised once again.

Yn was obvious to my uneasiness. I felt her hold my palm, leaving a tender kiss on my knuckles. "It's okay if you don't want to Jeon. I will always respect you as long as you always tell me the truth about your feelings"

God I didn't deserve an angel like her. Her lips gave out to a gorgeous gummy smile and I felt the world around me sink in completely, delving into unknown realms, a realm where it was just me and her, without a care in this world.

"I want to tell you now. It's Seokhoon" I noticed how her smile faded, how her eyes narrowed, the way her shoulders tensed, I felt like maybe it wasn't the right time. "What about him?" her cutesy voice had completely disappeared. "He escaped" I drew my breath, panicked whether she would flip out but instead a coy smile played on her lips.

"About time" a smirk appeared.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah why would I not be? I have you after all" her arms once again wrapped around my torso, her sweet fragrance bringing peace to me. "I won't let him touch you love" my palms held her nape, bringing her temple closer to my lips till my lips met her warm forehead. Leaving a lasting peck, the two of us decided on breakfast.

"You need to get ready today princess. We are going out today" I poured the hot cup of coffee into two glasses and handed her one.


"You make it sound like you are going to kill me Kookie" his eyes threatened a smile, his lips gave it away and before I could process anything, he snatched a peck. "Hey!" I pouted, his sweet laughter occupying the silent room.

"Yn?" I hummed in response.

"Do you wish to tell everyone about us now or later?"

"Kookie it is up to you. I don't mind anything but I would say later because both you and I, we still have a mission left. I want to tell them in the best way possible and not when I am mad at them" I released a long sigh, remembering the events from the night. I do not think I could possibly ever understand why they had to keep secrets from me. I felt a pair of arms engulfing me to a tight hug, his cologne working its way up my nose, his breaths hitting against the side of my neck. "Whatever makes you comfortable. We will tell them after everything then , hmm?" his croaky voice sent shivers down my spine but I played it off coolly.

"Get ready princess. Today is our day as normal humans" his lips pecked my cheek and he disappeared up the stairs.

"Jeon Jungkook, you seriously are making me feel a thousand different things..." I grazed my fingers against my cheek, over where he kissed, a cheeky smile forming on my face. With that last sip of coffee, I too, headed back up to my room to change into a different outfit.

Peeking from the door, Jungkook stood leaning against the wall, legs crossed, arms busy typing away. My eyes gauged his entire fit and I found myself thinking of more unholy thoughts. His attire was simple. A black turtleneck, black faded jeans, sneakers and a coat. His metallic rings shone on his fingers and instantly, he looked up.

His gaze softening he passed a smile. "Come on out" he held out his hand and I quickly closed the door behind me, my fingers locking itself between his. The fiery pit inside of me yearned for him, my heart belonged to him.


This girl certainly knew how to turn me on. Her
black body con short dress accentuated her curves, a small coat thrown over the shoulders and platform heels to finish it off. "It's not fair"

"What's not fair?" she proceeds to link her arm through mine as we took steps down the hall. The servants were busy chattering amongst themselves, some looking at us with a devilish grin, others giggling. "You can't look this beautiful all the time" I pouted.

"Shut up" she punched my arm and together we got into my car.

"Ready baby? We are going to have the time of our lives today..."


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