truth spilled

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"Your dad?" My father repeated, clearly amused by her sudden interest. Yn nodded and then my father sighed. "He was my best friend. And him as a mafia? He was the strongest mafia in my time. Even stronger than me."

"He was ruthless, yes. Entire nation feared him. He had so many enemies who were after him but he could easily kill them all. All until he met your mother" my dad's gaze softened.

"A sweetheart she was. They were just a year apart. Your mother had gotten kidnapped by one of his enemies. His intention was to kill his enemy but he met your mother instead. He was quick to take her to his home" my dad chuckled. I watched Yn who still seemed like she didn't care but I knew these words meant the world to her.

"Your mother was a very beautiful woman. Eventually your father and mother decided to get married after being in a relationship for four years"

"How did my mother die?" Yn blurted out.

"She was killed. By one of your father's enemies"

"Was she?" Yn questioned and my dad looked at her. "Do you not believe me?"

"I heard that my own dad shot her" Yn began and then my father sighed. "It was your parent's decision."

"What was?"

"To spread this rumour. It is not true. Your father only loved two things and that was your mother and you. But your mother got trapped with his enemy. Your father made it in time but...."

Everyone already could figure out what happened.

"It was their wish to keep this secret. Your mother pleaded your father to let everyone know that he shot her. Simply because both of them hoped it would give you enough reason to hate this profession. To never step in the world of mafia" my dad leaned back.

"Guess they both failed" Yn stared down at her food.

"Yn" he spoke again. "Appa did my mother hate the mafia world?"

"Your mother?" he started laughing. "That's utter bullshit. Your father took her in and together they were both the extremely feared mafias!"

"My mom? Was also in this business?" I glanced at Yn who bore quite an unreadable expression.

"God yes! She was the strongest female I ever knew! Hell even I was scared of her!" he laughed and continued eating.

"Yn just know this. Whatever the world may say about your parents is not true. They loved you dearly but it is sad you got to spend so very little time with them. But I can see the both of them in you. Their will certainly has passed down to their child."

"What will?"

"That is something for you to find out dear. Life can't be so easy where I give you all the answers. Even to this day your parents had many secrets that even I was unaware of. And I think it is time I give you this..." he pulled out a locket from his pocket and got up. He walked over to Yn and dropped it down to her palm. "What is this?"

"Somewhere to start. Your father entrusted this with me saying that I must pass this down to you when I feel like you are ready. It is not a normal locket. It is a key. To what I do not know. But I am sure many secrets will reveal itself with this" and my dad sat back down.

"What secrets?"

"I do not know my child. Let me tell you something. Your father's last name was Kim wasn't it" Yn nodded. "Many fear that name. Yes it is a common name here in South Korea but if we ever mention The Kim, it means your father. Your name would have been The Kim Yn. But instead your father wanted you to adopt your grandmother's ancestral name: Black. Simply because he knew about the large number of enemies that could come after you even beyond his passing."

"To this day Yn there are many enemies of his waiting for a chance to just get a glimpse of you. This is their thirst for revenge. They want to create havoc in your world because of something your father did. So always be careful please. And do not trust anyone" he concluded.

Yn was at a loss for words. I knew her mind was racing with questions but she was unsure of what to ask first. Glancing down, I watched her play with the rings on her fingers. Contemplating, I decided against to help her and cleared my throat.

"Well then let's wrap up this dinner party soon!" Taehyung cheered in an attempt to lighten the mood. It was a good attempt as my dad immediately got up, grabbing his wine glass. "Let's move this outside under the tent"

"Excuse me" Yn said and dashed out of the dining room.


My eyes were burning. My heart kept doing flips of its own. Everything Mr Jeon told me laid heavily on my head. Gripping the locket, I open my palm to take a scan. It looked like any normal locket. "This a key?" I heard his familiar voice and for a second, I got the feeling that everything would be okay. "Jeon" I whisper

"I didn't expect the truth to be like this" I sat down on the floor without a care in the world.


"Jeon terminate the contract please."

"What?" he repeated again. "Terminate it. Please."

"I already signed it" he sighed and pulled out the form from his coat. "Here."

"This means I can leave now right? Thank you for all your help. At any time you ever need any help, reach out. I owe you big time" I quickly got up and patted his shoulder. "Please do not try and reach out to me unless absolute necessary" I warned and exited the house.


All I did was watch her drive away. Even if I wanted to stop her, I couldn't do anything. She had made up her mind. Sighing, I walk over to the rest of the gang. "Where is Yn?" Namjoon hyung asked and I explained that she left due to some urgent matters. Thankfully they believed it except for my father of course. Once everyone had left, he stayed back and then looked at me.

"Boy" he called out to me and I nod. "Yn is a wonderful woman. It's a tragedy that life has been nothing but harsh on her. Ever since her birth, she lost her mother then her father, lost her school friends. And now she has become a mafia. Her heart is made of stone. But please do not get me wrong but I saw something in the two of you today. I observed you. I could see worry in your eyes which I have never seen before. I do not know what partnership or deal you had but please son, please look after her. I just have a feeling she will need a side support for the rest of her life."


"You want to what?" I ask in disbelief.

"Work with you. You said you owe me Black. My deal is simple. Let me work with you for the next two years."


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