the morning after

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I saw her.

Her face paled as she gripped the gun.

"Stop lying you bastard" she whispered, almost like pleading but Seokhoon began laughing. "You think I want to lie about this? You don't know your dad Yn. He was a cruel man. And me? You wonder why I hurt you? Well sweetie it is my form of revenge. Knowing that he will hear your cries from the depths of hell—-"

I smacked him and he passed out. I signalled the guards to lock him up before fully turning my attention on Yn.

"Yn" she looked up at me. Her eyes bored into mind. Not a single drop fell from her eyes. "Jungkook. I do not know whether to believe him or not. But for the time being I am choosing to believe him because I know my father has kept many things hidden from me" she stopped and put her gun back inside.

"My body was a vessel for his revenge" she turned and punched the wall. Her skin ripped and fresh blood trickled down her knuckles and onto the ground. I simply stood watching her punch the wall repeatedly until she finally stopped and raised her arm.

Handing a piece of cloth, she nodded towards me and headed back upstairs. "May I have some water?"

I pulled the fridge door open and grabbed a bottle of water, passing it to her as she gulped it all down in one go. "Stay here tonight" I meet her gaze, expecting a refusal but she gladly obliged. "Thank you" was all she said.

"I will take you to the guest room"


His expression changed. I felt the beast him in cooling down. Following his steps, we ended up going to the third floor of the mansion where he stopped in front of the first door on the left. "Here" he pulled the door wide open and I stepped in.

It was a big room indeed. A mix of black and gold. The whole room was stocked with essentials that any guest would require and I spun back before he could leave.

"What" his gaze narrowed. His voice was exactly the same. Rude.

"Thank you once again" I reply with equal rudeness.

"Whatever" and he left, leaving me alone to my thoughts. I felt the a shiver down my spine as I was still rather shook from the incident that happened moments ago. My heart felt heavy from what Seokhoon said.

My dad? Kill my mom? There was no proof except the words of an assaulter. Yet I couldn't help but consider that it was plausible. I felt the weight of my heart bringing me down as I sank into the bed. I took a quick look at the mirror beside me and noticed the bright hickey. Why did I feel so weak at that moment? I could have easily pulled the alarm system or knocked him out but I felt so miserable at the moment. The reason unknown. I felt like I was sixteen once again. I could almost feel his disgusting finger going in me as the sixteen year old me screamed out to no one in particular. Jolting from my thoughts, I lay down and closed my eyes. The night felt too long.

6 am.

I sighed and got up. I could never sleep in. Heading to the washroom, I splashed some water on my face and my eyes caught hold of the cloth around my hand. Untying the knot, I stared at the open wound.

I found some bandages and cleaned the wound and wrapped my hand again in the cloth before heading out. Jungkook was already awake and he was sitting in the living room with a laptop in front of him.

"Slept well?" he asked as I sank into the couch beside him. "Like a baby" I grabbed the newspaper and started reading. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched his movements. He kept typing away on his laptop and finally closed it before looking towards me.

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