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Setting up for dinner was not entertaining at all. I decided to make the dishes myself since I felt the urge to cook once again. I made some steak and mashed potatoes and set the table up, proceeded to shower and then cleaned myself up decently.

I chose to wear a black oversized tshirt paired with a black parachute pant. The clock hit sharp 8pm when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Particular indeed" I snickered and quickly headed downstairs. He looked ravishing. A simple black shirt, denim jacket, baggy pants and boots. But suddenly I felt the air around me get hotter as I started to turn red due to embarrassment of the fact that he was the first ever person to see me cry.

Suddenly the dinner idea didn't sit right with me but it was too late now. I welcomed him inside and he ordered his guards to remain outside.

"Evening" he greeted as he removed his shoes and glanced around my place.

Feeling flustered again, I wave my hand in acknowledgment and led him to the dining hall. "Let's eat?" I look up at him and he gives a swift nod. Pulling out chairs, the two of us began munching on the delicacies. Thankfully I was a good cook. "You made this?" he asked while chomping down on the steak.

"Yes" I chorused back and got up to grab some red wine for the two of us. "Good food" he muttered but I heard him and smiled a little to myself. And then stopped myself from smiling.

"So?" he began

"So Seokhoon" I finished the sentence. I poured some wine and handed over his glass to him while taking a sip from my own. "All of you may go home and take a break" I waved to my servants who looked hesitant but I sent them an assuring glance.

Reluctantly, one by one they left the house and finally it was just the two of us. "First of all I apologise for my actions earlier. I just got consumed by my emotions" I began but he stopped me before I could go any further.

"It is understandable. Why are you apologising? I am, in fact glad that I was there to calm your panic attack"

I felt my cheeks turning red. What was this feeling? I could almost go and hug him right now. The urge was killing me. But I composed myself.

"Thank you for your help. Now onto Seokhoon" I got up, heading over to my office as he followed me. I never allowed anyone step foot inside my office so he was the first one. He felt trustworthy for the time being.

"You said he assaulted you when you were sixteen? I thought you were living with my dad back then?"

"Yes I was. But one night I had to stay in school to complete some work. And ended up getting late. I couldn't get a bus and I made the mistake of sending my driver home. So I had no choice but to walk. Then I noticed someone following me. It was him. Before I could even scream, he tied me up and took me to a motel. He did what he had to and left me there next morning" I finished in one sentence.


Fuck. I watched her movements carefully and noticed how her hands clenched into fists while talking about that incident. There was a feeling deep down urging me to reach out to her but I kept my emotions aside, just like her.

"And when you were eighteen?"

"In my apartment. I got home and I realised he had gotten access into my home. And that night too, same thing happened" she breathed. I take a step closer but she moved forward and sat on her chair.

"He wants to kill me but he also wants me to be his sex toy" she finalised and then turned towards me.

"I appreciate all your help but I can understand if you would like to back out"

"I am a Jeon. We don't back out" I straightened my back and plopped down on her sofa.

"Neither of us knows where he is but I have asked my team to keep an eye out for him" I continued on as she listened. "We need to divide our teams in groups. One takes care of subways, another for road, another for airports, another for railways" I stopped to look at her.


"Anything important about Seokhoon?"

"If we know the reason why he's doing this then everything would be much clearer. But he never mentioned anything. At least not what I can remember" she placed her palm on her forehead and scrunched her nose. I felt a lion inside me purr at this sweet gesture.

"For now you and I need rest. Thank you for dinner. I hope to repay this soon" I walked out as she followed me to the front door.

"One more thing" I turn around and faced her.

"Please add me in your emergency contact"

"Huh?" she tilted her head in confusion causing a smile to creep up.

"Please. I have added you in mine but just in case he pops up.."

"Okay I will. Thank you Jeon Jungkook" she waved and closed the door as turned and smiled to myself. Humming I got in my car and drove away.


I head upstairs and jumped on my bed while grabbing my phone. Immediately heading to contacts, I added him in my emergency contact. Again another first. Grinning, I turn off the light and got under the blanket to sleep. But almost ten minutes later, I felt a cloth on my mouth and before I knew it, I was out cold.

Stirring from unconsciousness, I opened my eyes and noticed how my arms and legs were tied. I felt the cold wind against my body and looking down I realised he had stripped me completely. I tried to undo the rope but it was too thick.

"Babygirl" he cooed as I scoff.


"You just keep getting more beautiful day by day" he whispered down my earlobe as I took that chance to hit his head with mine. Backing away he laughed at my attempt to escape. "More feisty I see" he licked his lips and he let his arms roam around my chest.

"God your tits are so big. And you taste amazing baby" he whispered while bending down and sucking on my neck. I fidgeted with the ropes but no success.

Before he could even touch my tits, the door to my bedroom swung open with a loud gunshot. It didn't hit his head but only his leg. Screaming, Seokhoon fell down to the ground as I tried to clear my vision.



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