his enemies

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Startled by my thoughts, I opened my eyes to see the sun setting. "Did I doze off?" I wonder to myself while grabbing my bag and moving downstairs. The cool chilly air hit my face and I immediately wrapped my arms around myself and headed to my car.

But my eyes focused on the car right next to mine.

Jeon Jungkook.

Our eyes connected. I noticed the dried blood on his arm and instantly jumped inside his car. "I have a lead—" he began but I cut across him.


"I have a lead—"

"Shut up and give me your hand" she pulled my arm and placed it gently on her lap while pulling out a small first aid kit from her bag. Surprised by her actions, I just smiled while watching her clean my wound. She didn't even drop her icy demeanour but reading her was easy. Simply because she was just like me. The stings from the antibiotic weren't even painful. The way she blew into my wound to ease the pain, her eyes so full of concentration, her rough yet soft hands dabbing gently on the fresh wound all created some sensations in the pit of my stomach but it was hard to put into words on what I was feeling.

I was so mesmerised by her that I didn't even realise she had finished cleaning my wound. I cleared my throat but the hint of the smile was certainly reflecting on my face.

"Never leave your wounds open Jungkook" she advised while packing up her items and stuffed the kit back in her purse. Her hands went around the belt to fasten it.


"It's my own enemy. It has nothing to do with you so ignore it" I shifted the gear and we took off.


Stealing a quick glance I could easily infer that she wasn't satisfied with my answer but still she knew that it wasn't her business. My eyes travelled to the fresh, bright hickey on her neck and suddenly my grip on the steering wheel tightened. The urge to kill him was right at the tip of my fingers but I had to control these urges. These emotions of anger and vulnerability. It wasn't me. But just imagining the thought of his filthy hands on her made me want to rip his heart out.

Yn might have picked up on the sudden speeding as she immediately placed her hand on my wound, pressing it down earning a glare from me.

"The fuck?" I threaten.

"Slow down Jeon" she warned and leaned back. "Why the sudden speeding?"

"Got lost in my thoughts" was all I could reply before I continued driving. "Where we going by the way?" she asked but I paid no heed to her question and continued driving.

Pulling into her driveway, we both get out and she took the lead. We both got inside and she stared at me, waiting for an explanation.

"Right. The lead on Seokhoon and your dad.I set up a date where we could meet my father. They were best friends right? He might know something but whether or not he will tell us is another problem"

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