24 hour assistant

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"Work with you. You said you owe me Black. My deal is simple. Let me work with you for the next two years." he sat down on my sofa and looked up.

"I don't understand?"

"What's so difficult? I will be working with you for the next two years. How about you hire me as your assistant?"


"Hire me as your assistant and I will work with you for the next two years. This is my request and well you said you owe me. Accept this offer that's all."

"Why do you want to work with me?"

"Don't know. Your family history is something I am curious about" he shrugged and then pulled out a binder. He was completely prepared.

"Read" he slid the paper towards me. Opening the file, I read through the conditions of our apparent new "partnership".

Jeon Ltd & Black Enterprises

Jeon Jungkook, CEO of Jeon Ltd will resign
from his position as CEO temporarily
to work under Miss Yn Black for the next two
years starting 17 June 2023.

Jeon Jungkook will work as personal assistant
of Miss Black and follow the instructions
given to him by Miss Black.

Termination of contract is only allowed after
the two years has passed. Date of termination of contract is on 17 June 2025.

Signature Of Party 1       Signature of Party 2

I looked at him, unsure what to do or react. "Jeon why?" I ask but he doesn't give a reply. Instead he signs the contract. "If this is about me crying and all..."

"Yn" he spoke finally. "Yn I haven't made this contract because I care for you. I made it because I was genuinely curious about your family. And after you left last night, dad told me that there are some secrets in your family that includes the Jeons too."


Lying was not my favourite thing. But I guess that's what happens when one meddles a bit too much in other's life. Patiently, I watched Yn as I could almost hear the million thoughts that zoomed in her head. "Fine" she agreed.

"You agree?"

"I could use some help" she shrugged and then signed the contract. "I guess cheers to another partnership?" she raised her hand and we shook on it. "Cheers indeed" I reply back.


It was two weeks after our agreement. It felt weird. To have him in my office during my working hours and to also have him in my home. We decided, or rather he decided to be my 24 hour assistant and moved into my home. It was nice to have company. Dinners were no longer lonely and I was quite adamant to admit it but with Seokhoon in my basement, it felt nice to have him around. At least I wasn't alone and help was nearby.

And as for my emotions regarding Jungkook, well I believe I have learnt how to control my emotions and keep them locked away but certainly I would be lying if I say I haven't felt some things.

"Black?" he called out from the kitchen and I got up from the sofa and walked over to where he stood. I decided to give the week off to my maids so for the coming week, we had to carry out chores. I decided to let Jungkook take care of breakfast for today. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Breakfast ready. Do you want any juices or are you a coffee person?"

"I need my morning coffee but you can just pour me a glass of apple juice. I already had coffee" I grabbed two plates and utensils and began setting the table. Finally we were ready to eat. Thanking for the food, we munched down on the yummy waffles. "It's delicious" I smile at him and then continued.

"The necklace?"

"I still haven't figured it out. It looks and feels like any normal necklace" I sigh while my fingers slowly went up to the necklace. Staring down at it, I read the initials once again.


Who was JJK? I wanted to know. Jungkook looked at me and then down at the necklace. "Jungkook do you know who's JJK? Or what is JJK?"

"Yes. Jeon Jungkook" he smiled and I dropped my knife. "You're JJK?" I stood up immediately, clenching my fists.


I got up and walked towards her. "Yn what's wrong?"

She looked up at me and then pulled the necklace from her neck, handing it over to me. My eyes travelled through the necklace when I finally took notice of the initials on it. Gasping, I drop the necklace and step back quietly. "Is that..."

"Jungkook if you are hiding something from me..." she began but I immediately shook my head furiously. "NO! Look we are the same age! I wasn't even born when this necklace was made!!!" I yelled back and then she fell silent.

She knelt down and picked it up handing it over to me. "I think maybe you can open this" she said.

"Yn I do not know how to..." click.

The necklace unlocked itself and a tiny SD card was found inside. Surprised, we both simply stare at the necklace and then she pulled out the SD card.

"Time for a show" she mumbled and then we hurried over to her office to connect the SD card onto the laptop.


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