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The rhythmic beating of my heart now almost turned into banging in my chest. I had to control all my nerves not to just jump and hug him. His eyes simply locked into mine but mine were wandering all around my room. His grip on my waist getting tighter due to the nerves. I observed his face, his eyes almost begging for an answer, his lower lip trembling as he frequently let his teeth pull his lower lip. But his eyes held back so many emotions. Emotions that he had been holding back since he was a child. I saw it all. I saw the urge to be loved back, the urge to prove himself worthy, the urge to just be hugged, the desire to claim me. Everything was so clear. He was a mafia as ruthless as me but everything about him just looked broken.

And now I had the chance to destroy him further or help him get over his long lasting pain. I wondered whether I would regret this decision but his soul told me otherwise. Destiny was not my cup of tea but he was. Alas, mustering all the energy I could, I replied to him.

"Yes you may"


The grasping pain in my heart eased. I felt the ends of my lips curve into a smile. I began to see myself in a new light. I found the weight on my heart getting lighter and lighter. How was she able to change me so much in a few months? Why was it that, with her, I always felt safe?

"Kook" she lowered her voice and I nodded. "Thank you" she wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, the faint scent of her strawberry perfume now attacking my nostrils, her short straight her tied into a bun, and her body colliding against mine. She identified herself as cold but to me she was the warmest person I knew. With her body pressed against mine, I felt a warm glow, almost like a halo, surround us.

"Yn how long should I pursue you because I can't control myself" I breathed.


"Stop it Kook" she teased and then got off my lap. "You are still sleeping in the guest room okay?" she giggled like a child and then finally opened the bedroom door. "Let's have some ice cream" Jungkook came beside me, his fingers intertwined through mine and we headed downstairs, hand in hand.

All throughout I kept my head hung low, watching our hands together, two lost souls who now became one. Fuck pursuing, I was even ready to be the mother of his child at that moment. Was I really going to allow myself to feel? Was I going to let myself be overwhelmed by love?

What was love? I always act like I knew how traumatising love can be when I have never experienced it myself.

Well there is always a first for everything.

"Tomorrow we aren't going to do any mafia business got it? Tomorrow we are going to have a fun day" Jungkook stuck the spoon into the tub and fed a mouthful of ice cream. "Fun day?" Jungkook smiled knowingly. "You'll see" he teased and he continued to feed himself and me some ice cream. "What will we do? At least tell me that" I whined but he just stuffed more scoops down my mouth.

Feigning anger, I "stormed" up the stairs and locked the door but he had no idea how fast my heart raced at that moment. Overjoyed wasn't even the word for it. Explaining the emotion would be hard but what I felt was just ultimate levels of joy. "Damn you Jeon Jungkook" I whispered but only a quiet room replied back.


"What the hell are you doing to me Yn..."


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