will you let me...

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The silence grew distinctly after Yn's question. Some avoided eye contact and some simply decided that their shoe colours were far more fascinating than the question. My eyes fell on Yn who clearly was agitated by their inability to speak. But I quickly went closer to her and held her hand. Her eyes met mine and we shared a common understanding.

It was now or never.

"Please oppa. I need to know" her eyes begged them and eventually Yoongi hyung looked up. "She needs to know" he vocalised and slowly everyone faced us once again. Jimin was quiet to note our interlocked hands and passed a confused smile to me but I rolled my eyes as a response and let go of her hand.

"Was it Mr Jeon?" Yn urged on and from the look of the others, we both finalised that it was indeed the truth. My father killed her parents.

Was I upset? I couldn't tell. My father was never the man to do something harsh without thinking it through. I wanted to know if there was more to the story. Did I hate my father? I didn't know. The feelings were complicated right from the beginning. Emotion was something I was never taught. Neither by my mom nor by my dad. Yn was the first person to make me believe that someone as heartless as me could also deserve love.

Namjoon's voice pulled my consciousness back and I listened keenly. "Yes Yn. It was Mr Jeon who killed them."


"Yn I do not think we are the right person to—"

"So you can't tell me either. Seriously can't no one just tell me the fucking truth? Do I have to play hide and seek with all of you?! I have lived the last twenty seven years wondering what the hell happened and then I found out I was fed with lies. Mr Jeon wouldn't tell me shit instead he gave a necklace for me to discover the truth. I am not a toy. I need to know what happened and if you guys can't help either then please leave!" she frustratedly got up and went upstairs, slamming her bedroom door.


An hour had passed.

I didn't dare step outside my room simply because I was that furious.  I wasn't a child to go treasure hunting to find clues to get the reward. Was it that hard to just explain the night?

My thoughts had an abrupt ending when the door banged open. Jungkook stepped inside, locking the door behind him and then tucked his hands in his pockets. Leaning against my door, he just looked at me.

"Don't" I warned and he shook his head. "I won't" he promised.


The silence was awkward. I stole a few secret glances at her but she was lost in another world. My eyes wandered around the room only to land back on her tired and slumped figure. The frustration of not knowing anything was something I could partially recognise and sympathise with. With slow steps , I moved to the bed and sank into the mattress. "Why does everyone make me look stupid Kook" she turned.

"Maybe because in their eyes you are still a little girl who lost her parents at a very young age" I replied. My hands were lifted and they slowly cupped her cheeks. What was I doing? I did not know.

"Kook..." she moved closer and I took this chance to lock my arm around her thigh and scooped her onto my lap. A sharp exhale came out and she cupped her mouth in shock. "Kook..." she whispered lowly.

"I suppose it's time to give you a response...."

"Yn. Ever since I was born, nothing was really stable in my life. My mother, my father, my stepmoms, and then this mafia world. All I ever did was just hide behind Jungkook. The mafia Jungkook. But there was always the little Jungkook inside me that craved for some love and affection. Growing up I was taught that emotions are a waste. But Yn. Ever since I agreed to be your partner, so much has changed. I find myself not only worrying about me but also you. I find myself getting compassionate and rethinking every decision twice or thrice. At first I didn't think too much into it but when the feelings got too strong I knew it was weakening my heart and the barrier around me. I was afraid. I was afraid to admit that someone like me could also be in love. When you came to me asking to terminate the contract, I lied Yn. I lied that I was okay with it. And even when I came to you with our second partnership. I lied to you then too. I didn't ask for a partnership because I was curious. It was because I was worried for you. I worried that you would be too alone and I just couldn't imagine you going through the truth alone. Yn what I'm trying to say is that I do not know since when but it seems I have fallen for you Yn. Will you let me pursue you?"


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