32. am i bipolar

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina impatiently taps her foot while waiting for Nancy. She looks to the front doors of Hawkins High, thinking that maybe by staring at the doors, Nancy will somehow be quicker.

Due to the unbearable silence between Gina and Robin, Gina can't help but let her mind wander. She thinks about the person who killed Chrissy and Fred. Then about Vecna. Is he even real? Who would kill them? What's with Victor Creel? Is it actually the Mind Flayer? Are Chrissy and Fred just like...? Will their families be broken forever because of this? Broken like Gina?

"Gina, are you okay? You're breathing really fa-" Robin starts, putting her hand on Gina's shoulder, but bringing it back when Gina flinches from her touch.

Gina takes in a deep breath. "Yeah," she mumbles, reaching for the door handle. "I'll...I'll be right back." Almost stumbling out of the car, Gina speed walks to the school, pulling her lighter and a joint out of her pocket once she's far enough away from Robin's view.

Taking a drag on the joint, Gina closes her eyes and leans her head back on the brick wall. Hearing footsteps quickening, Gina instinctively throws the joint on the ground, putting it out with her shoe.

"Gina?" Robin asks, looking at the girl with profound worry. "What are you doing?"

Gina looks at the ground, avoiding Robin's glare. "Nothing," Gina says, hearing Robin sigh.

"There's smoke," Robin huffs. "Are you doing it again?" Robin asks after a moment-long pause, but it isn't a question.

Gina purses her lips, turning her head away, looking into the woods. "No."

"Yes you are."

"It's just weed," Gina falters, looking down at her shoes. "It's fine."

Robin gives a fake, disbelieving scoff. " 'Just weed'? It's not fine! You're hurting yourself!" she shouts

"I'm fine, Robin! I know what I'm doing!" Gina shouts back, turning to look at Robin, seeing her eyes turn red and watery.

"You're not like this!" Robin argues, gesturing to Gina. "You told me you quit!"

"Then what am I like, hm?" Gina takes a step towards Robin, a lump in her throat. "That day," she says softly. "That day was the worst day of my life!" Gina shouts this time, seeing Robin flinch as she screams. She pauses, feeling those rare tears welling in her eyes. "I forgot who I was after that. So really, there's no other way. This is what I have to do, and I'm doing it."

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