Chapter 7

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  Finally the day has come. Her first visit with Dr. Novak.

She had just gotten back from dinner and sat on her desk when her watch made a sudden ringtone.


She glanced at the screen of her watch,

"Visit with Dr. Novak."

She rolled her eyes, if only she was actually here in the Adjustment Center because she needed to be fixed. And not here to be the one fixing.

It was only eight, and she still needed to wait for everyone to go to sleep before leaving. Looked like she wasn't going to be getting much sleep in tonight.

Quickly, she set an alarm at twelve-thirty on her watch and slipped into her bed, urging herself to sleep.

The alarm rang and she quickly turned it off, hoping that Faye didn't hear that. It didn't feel like she got in four hours of sleep, but she didn't have the choice or time to complain.

She grabbed her jacket and before leaving she took one of her pills. Even though the dose was supposed to be once a day, she took a second one anyway. No rule really said that you couldn't take two in one day. Plus, she didn't want to have her emotions scattered in a mess in front of Dr. Novak.

She slipped out of her room, closing the door as gently as possible. Gladly the light behind Faye's door is dark, meaning that she's asleep. It was a good thing people over here don't stay up until midnight and play games with each other like they did back in the dorms. Kenna sighed at the thought of everyone in the dorms, she even missed Dixie being mean to her. She wished that they didn't have to die so meaninglessly. But at least they don't have to live their life so complicatedly like her own right now. The weight and pressure of saving Lina is all on her, if she dies, herself, right this moment, she might not care so much. But if she died, that also meant no one would be able to save Lina.

Enough of these thoughts, she had an important job to do right now.

Enough of these thoughts, she had an important job to do right now.

The sky was even more pretty than it was after dinner. The path around her is dark, but the stars up in the atmosphere were bright and shiny. The whole night is filled with them, shining the path for Kenna. She's never been outside before when the stars up in the night shined, only looking at it outside her window, yearning to sit under the night and enjoy them outside instead.

But there was no time for that, she needed to see Dr. Novak.

She walked a few feet away from all the cottages and work space, then she spotted it. The same black hover car that brought her here. She let out a sigh of relief, glad that it didn't park miles away this time. Because she did not have the energy to walk right now, her head is still sleepy and her eyes pleaded to close.

Someone opened the car door once she walked close enough.

"Hey, nice to see that you're doing good." It was Jess, or Dr. Carter. At least one thing pleasant for tonight, probably the only nice person she'll ever talk to for tonight. Even under the dark, she could see his smile, warming and kind.

She exhaled in relief. "I'm glad that you're the one picking me up, because meeting Dr. Novak is already the worst thing tonight." She yawned.

Jess let out a laugh. "Well we know who's tired now."

Just like when she came here, she had to put on the blindfold again. Jess helped her put it on, the uncomfortable feeling of her eyes being blinded was back again. She felt a little nervous, the image of the empty lobby where she waited, and that small room with the glass window gave her an unpleasant shake. At least on the ride, Jess was able to distract her a little from the feeling of meeting Dr. Novak and going back to that hell of a place.

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