Rodger had waited until after he had dropped Parker off before calling Linda back. He said goodbye to him and watched him walk into the school while Carson got into the front. He then told the car to call Linda.
"Hey Rodger." Linda said. He could hear the frustration in her voice as she spoke.
"So no luck huh?"
"Nope." Linda said. "She was very adamant about keeping the punishment did not even want to discuss the possibility of lifting it."
"No surprise there." Rodger said with disappointment in his voice. "Thanks for trying though." Parker is really going to be disappointed he thought. But at least he knows his mom was there for him. That should help a little.
"You're welcome." Linda said. "And after talking to this woman I really think it would be best for Parker to break up with this girl."
Carson gave Rodger surprised look.
"Just from the short conversation I had with her I can tell that she is a mean, nasty woman who probably abuses everyone who anyone and everyone she thinks is beneath her." Linda said. "And she probably raised her daughter to be the sameway."
"And I hate the idea of Parker being in a relationship with someone like that." Linda said.
"I'm not fond of that idea either." Rodger said.
"Are you going to have him break it off with her."
"I don't know." Rodger said. It would break his heart if I did that to him. Then again dating this girl might do a lot more damage to him. "Let me find out what she is like first."
She could be a kind, loving girl who treats Parker with respect he thought. And I would hate to take that away from him. After all Carson is a good person despite what his parents are like.
"Well let me know either way."
"I will." Rodger said. "I'll talk to you later.
"Bye.' Rodger disconnected the call.
An awkward silence passed between them. Carson with an uncomfortable look then asked "Are you really going to make Parker break up with Christine."
"As I told his mom I'm not sure yet." Rodger said. "I'm going to talk to his friend Zane to see what she is like." Rodger then realized that there was someone else he could ask. He picked up his phone and scrolled to Cyrus' name. "By the way this conversation stays between us you understand."
"Yes sir." Carson said. "My lips are sealed I promise."
Cyrus can you do me a favor and ask your cousin Felix about Parker's girlfriend Christine for me. He then hit send. And don't say anything to Parker about his he texted.
Will do and I won't he replied.
Cyrus' text then appeared on the console screen.
Thank you.
Rodger put his phone down and pulled away from the curb at the front of the school.
"I'm so glad to be out of high school." Carson said as he watched a group of students hurry towards the doors.
"You went to Excalibur right?"
"What was that like?"
"Strict like Westfield." Carson said as they pulled out of the parking lot. "We would get written up for every trivial thing."
"What happened when you got written up?"
"We get demerits based on the offense." Carson said. "Like having your shirt untucked would be three, bad language would be ten. And for every ten demerits you would get a detention. And if you got fifty in a quarter you would get spanked with a switch by the headmaster."
"Did you ever get fifty?"
"No." He shook his head. "David did once. He got switched by the headmaster and then paddled by our parents when he got home."
Rodger winced. "Poor David."
A message then appeared on the screen. "Looks like Cyrus texted you back."
"That was quick.' Rodger did not think he would hear back from him until after school. "Let's see what he says."
He hit a button on the screen and the console read the message. "He says that she is a mean, vindictive, manipulative witch and he had no idea what Parker sees in her. That she bullies him just like she bullied her ex boyfriend Wesley. That he could do a lot better than her. And he believes the rumors are true and that she did give Wesley a handjob in the school parking lot."
"Well I guess you got your answer." Carson said.
"I guess I did." Rodger said as an unsettling feeling stirred inside him.
General FictionParker is a sixteen year old boy who lives with his strict father. He tries to be a good son but finds himself falling short. Will he learn to be the son that his father expects him to be.