Chapter 6

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3rd pov:

A resonant snort echoed from within as they stood at the entrance. "She's in season. She needs to mate," Newt explained, observing as the Erumpent ambled into its habitat. Genevieve produced a tiny vial of liquid, deftly pulling the stopper out with her teeth, and spat it aside before applying a small amount of the liquid to each of Newt's wrists.

"Erumpent musk—she's mad for it," Genevieve responded to Mr. Kowalski's puzzled expression as they ventured further into the zoo. Kowalski and Genevieve approached, closely observing Newt as he approached the Erumpent.

Placing his case on the ground near the Erumpent, Newt began a peculiar mating ritual, involving grunts, wiggles, rolls, and groans to capture the Erumpent's attention. Genevieve couldn't contain her laughter as the large creature turned around to face Newt, exhibiting a puppy-like demeanor with her horn glowing orange. Newt rolled along the floor, and the Erumpent mimicked him, gradually moving closer to the open case.

"Close enough," Genevieve whispered as Mr. Kowalski took the bottle from her hands and sniffed it. Suddenly, something fell onto Kowalski's head, and Genevieve noticed that some of the musk had landed on him. The wind shifted, and she heard the Erumpent take a deep breath. She turned her head towards them.

"Oh, bloody hell," Genevieve muttered as the Erumpent rose to her feet, briefly locking eyes with them before starting to chase after them. Mr. Kowalski wailed as Genevieve seized his hand, and they Disapparated.

They appeared just a few feet away from the Zoo, but that strategy failed as the Erumpent burst through the entrance, chasing after them. "Merlin's beard!" exclaimed Genevieve as they sprinted away. However, as they began to climb a hill, Genevieve stumbled over a rock, scraping her knee and causing blood to soak through her pants.

"Genevieve! Newt!" Mr. Kowalski's voice rang out. Genevieve groaned and struggled to her feet, feeling unsteady.

Genevieve spotted Mr. Kowalski dangling precariously upside down from a tree branch, while the Erumpent lay on her back, flailing her legs in the air. After a brief moment, the Erumpent righted herself and charged toward the tree, driving her horn deep into it. The tree bubbled with glowing liquid before exploding and crashing down. 

"Mr. Kowalski!" Genevieve shouted as she rushed towards him, blood from her injured leg staining the snow as she grabbed his arm, and they Disapparated again.

They reappeared on the frozen lake, gliding across it as the Erumpent closed in behind them, also sliding on the ice. Just as she was about to reach them, she vanished, replaced by Newt standing in front of them, closing the case. Taking a moment to catch their breath, Genevieve collapsed dramatically onto the icy surface before Newt spoke up. "Well done, Mr. Kowalski and Evie!"

Mr. Kowalski extended his hand, saying, "Call me Jacob," and they shook hands. Jacob then looked concernedly at Genevieve. "Is your leg okay? You're bleeding," he remarked, noticing her blood-stained socks.

"Oh, I am," Genevieve replied absentmindedly as Newt knelt down to inspect her knee.

"Merlin's beard," he whispered in concern.

"It's nothing," Genevieve muttered, attempting to stand but stumbling, prompting Newt to catch her.

"Nothing, huh?" Newt quipped, wrapping an arm around her. "Okay, maybe a sprained ankle, but still, nothing serious."

"Whatever you say," Newt sighed as he lifted her up in a bridal carry. "Well, two down— one to go," he remarked as they continued across the frozen lake.

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Once they entered the case, Newt sealed it shut and helped Genevieve to a crate, where he proceeded to clean her wound with a handkerchief.

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