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3rd pov:

Genevieve forces her eyes open with a great struggle, but seeing Newt's face makes it worth it. She presses a kiss to his cheek, before, reluctantly, peeling off the covers and heading to the bathroom.

Her steps are heavier and her mind is a bit hazy. She figures quickly that she's caught a cold. She did remember eating too much ice cream last night but, like the idiot she is, she brushes it off cause what's a little cold to the greatest alchemist?

Small coughs escape her lips every now then as she gets ready. She applauds herself for being able to do everything—despite the coughing fits—without waking her husband up. For the first time he had slept in, and after all the work he does, she wanted him to have some rest.

Finally, She tiptoes her way to Newt's sleeping form to give him a kiss on the forehead once again. She takes a last look at his face and she smiles, one reserved for him only.

and so the routine is done! She is satisfied as she walks to the door, ready to feed the creatures and act like her normal self that definitely doesn't have a fever that is worsening by the second.

Her hand reaches for the doorknob and, "Genevieve, where the hell do you think you're going?"

Uh oh. Big trouble. Huge even. Newt does not swears in normal conversation, AT ALL!! He only ever treats her with the utmost care and respect, Genevieve has never even heard him curse before and had only seen him angry once before in her entire life. That had been when she had broken her arm helping Theseus with one of his mother's Hippogriffs but that time his anger had been directed at his brother, not at her.

Newt absolutely hates when his wife tried to act all fine and was actually in immense discomfort and pain. He wants to be there for her, help her yet she always takes tings so carelessly. 

She turns to him, a grin plastered on her face as she tries masking her coughs, "hey, honey! lovely morning, isn't it? I was about to—"

"sit back down."

"yes sir," she mumbles, looking like a kicked puppy.

Newt sighed rolling his eyes before pulling her back to bed. but, of course, she tries to fight it, "Newt, I am fine, really!"

"No, you're not," He huff as he make her lay down on the bed and cover her with the blankets, "your breath is heavier and your face is flushed."

Newt press a hand to her forehead before gasping, "Genevieve, you're burning up! and you wanted to work like this?"

"hey! nothing the greatest—" she coughs in between, "—can't handle," she smiles, trying to assure him, but he doesn't buy it.

"Yeah I don't buy it" Newt sighed as he pat her head, "how did you get sick anyways? Was it the Ice cream from last night?"

Genevieve takes a deep breath, brows furrowed before she mumbles, "yeah..." 

"I knew it, I told you not to eat it too fast" Newt said and she snuggles into the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry" His wife groaned cuddling him like a kitten seeking warmth, seeing her all weak, maybe even helpless breaks his heart. she is usually so loud, so bright, but now she looks so tired, frail even.

Newt sigh as his fingers card through her hair. He would've preferred if her day-off was spent with her being her usual self rather than all sick like this.

Though he can't deny that a part of him feels a little happy because she trusts him enough to be completely vulnerable with her.

So Newt press a kiss to the top of her head and she stirs around a bit, words a little slurry, "...what's wrong?"

"it's nothing, but I have to go and make you some soup, Evie," Newt say while trying to get up, but she hold on him tightens.

her voice is hoarse, barely above a whisper, "...stay."

Newt heart clenches at the soft plea, but he knows that she needs to be well fed so she can recover quickly, "Evie, honey, you need to eat so you can get better," He hear her groan before reluctantly pulling way.

still, her hand is holding onto his own, and she looks up to him, eyes barely open, oh how he missed seeing those grey gems shinning as usual, even if they so chaotic, "just don't take long...please."

Newt nod and press a kiss to the top of her head, "look at you being so polite."

she grumbles, making him chuckle.

Newt finally make his way to the kitchen. He hope that Genevieve can sleep a bit till he is done with the soup.

He don't feel the time as it passes, already invested in making the best soup for his sick wife.

After a while, He is finally done. He give himself a pat on the back before carrying it to the bedroom. Newt speak, voice low, "Genevieve?"

she turns in her sleep and slowly opens her eyes, smiling a little, "you're back?"

"of course, I am, Love. I would never leave you," and both of them know that those words hold much deeper meaning than it looks like.

Newt set the soup on the nightstand, "come on, you need to eat, Evie."

She stretches a bit before sitting up—the movement seems to cause her pain but she hopes her husband doesn't point it out—, a wide smile on her lips as she looks at him, "my pretty husband made soup, just for me?" she coughs a little, "I am flattered."

She sounds better, Newt note. that sleep must've done her good so he hope the soup will make her feel even better.

Newt take a hold of the bowl and Genevieve opens her mouth, expectantly. Newt quirk an eyebrow at her, "what are you doing?"

he closes his mouth with a pout, "you're not going to feed me?"

She is finally back to her antics, Newt think as he playfully narrow his eyes, "and why would I do that?"

"because I am your very sick wife who only wants to be pampered by her pretty—" She is cut off by Newt feeding the spoon in her mouth. He was going to do it anyways, but it is cute when she exaggerated her antics, he also wanted to see how well was she doing, and seeing this, Newt's conclusion is that she was getting better.

She swallows the soup, satisfied, and with a grin so wide you'd think of smacking her  for looking so smug yet so cute at the same time, "thank you, My love!"

Newt roll his eyes, albeit fondly, "yes, yes, Not drink it quietly, it's hot" Newt said as he blew on the spoon and fed her another spoon and the smile never leaves her face.

Newt also notice the little kicking of her feet. does being spoon-fed by him really make her this giddy?

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