Chapter 25

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3rd pov:

Newt began to stir, finding himself surrounded by the crowd. His gaze fixed on Fischer as she made her way up the stairs ahead, towering above the supporters and voters. Massive freestanding banners acted as screens, reflecting the ceremony above. As Newt stared at one of the banners, Vogel's reflection appeared.

"I thank the candidates for their words," Vogel announced, with Liu, Santos, and Grindelwald standing behind him, side by side. "Each represents a distinct vision of how we will shape not only our world... but the non-magical world as well. Which brings us to the most important part of our ceremony... the walk of the Qilin," Vogel continued, and the Qilin was brought forth.

Newt reached the great steps that stretched up to the Eyrie, spotting a tiny figure ahead with his case, Fischer. As they ascended the steps, he glanced across at the banners and saw the Qilin being presented before Grindelwald, Liu, and Santos.

The Qilin moved tentatively forward towards the candidates. As it approached Grindelwald, Liu and Santos exchanged a significant glance.

Newt charged towards Fischer, who simply turned to look at him, making no effort to move.

The Qilin stood in front of Grindelwald, gazing up at him.

Fischer held out the case. Newt studied her, perplexed by her demeanor, then reached out. As his fingers made contact, the case turned to dust. In a panic, he watched the particles drift into the air. He looked back at Fischer, who continued to smile.

As the dust drifted up, the banners revealed Grindelwald and the Qilin. The Qilin then bowed to Grindelwald, and for a moment, a long silence fell over the scene. "The Qilin has seen. Seen goodness, strength, qualities essential to lead and to guide us. Who do you see?" Vogel asked, prompting the assembled witches and wizards to thrust their wands into the air, casting spells that exploded in vibrant colors. The three colors of Liu, Santos, and Grindelwald streamed into the sky and merged into one, Grindelwald's distinctive green. Newt stood there, stunned by the turn of events.

"Gellert Grindelwald is the new leader of the magical world by acclamation," Vogel announced as Grindelwald basked in the adulation of the crowd. The cheers and roars filled the air as Acolytes on either side of Newt shoved him up the steps. Grindelwald nodded to Rosier, who brought forth Queenie and Jacob.

Newt attempted to push his way toward them, but the four Acolytes restrained him firmly. Rosier escorted Jacob farther up the steps and handed his snakewood wand to Grindelwald. Grindelwald surveyed the crowd, their eyes fixed on him in anticipation, then gestured to Jacob.

"This is the man who tried to take my life. This man, who has no magic, who would marry a witch and pollute our blood. He seeks to create a forbidden union that would weaken us, make us less than what we are. He is not alone, my friends. There are thousands who seek to do the same. There can only be one response to such vermin," Grindelwald proclaimed, tossing away Jacob's wand and raising his own.

As Jacob turned to face him, Grindelwald unleashed a spell that threw Jacob down the steps, sending him sprawling onto his back at Queenie's feet. "Crucio," Grindelwald intoned, casting a lightning spell that sent Jacob writhing in agony at Queenie's feet.

"No!" Newt and Genevieve shouted, attempting to rush towards Jacob, but the Acolytes held them back firmly while Queenie fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. "Make him stop!" she pleaded, her voice choked with sorrow. "Our war with the Muggles begins today!" Grindelwald's booming voice echoed, inciting wild cheers from his supporters.

Lally, Theseus, Genevieve, and Kama moved through the shocked crowd, their expressions a mix of horror and disbelief. Jacob continued to writhe in pain on the ground until Santos raised her wand, dispelling the Cruciatus Curse tormenting him. With a sigh of relief, Jacob collapsed back into Queenie's arms, his pain subsiding.

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