Chapter 17

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3rd pov:

Credence breaks free from Nagini's grip and bravely walks through the flames, joining Grindelwald. Nagini, devastated, is forced back by the ever-expanding fire. Meanwhile, Queenie glances over at Jacob, who is visibly terrified.

"Queenie, you have to snap out of it," Jacob pleads desperately.

"Jacob, he's offering what we've always wanted," Queenie responds, her decision already made.

"No, no, no, no, no, no," Jacob protests, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yes," Queenie insists, nodding with a smile.

"No," Jacob states firmly, his eyes filled with worry as Credence approaches Grindelwald, who welcomes him like a long-lost son. "All of this has been for you, Credence," Grindelwald whispers to the young man.

"Come with me," Queenie urges Jacob.

"No, honey, please!" Jacob implores, his voice filled with fear.

"WALK WITH ME!" Queenie suddenly screams, her tone cutting through the chaos. Jacob recoils, shocked and horrified by her sudden outburst.

"You're crazy," Jacob whispers, fear evident in his voice.

Ignoring his protests, Queenie glares at him before turning and stepping towards the flames. "No, Queenie, don't do this!" Jacob shouts in desperation, but Queenie screams as she passes through the flames, heading towards Grindelwald. "QUEENIE!" Tina cries out, rushing to her sister's side

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"W-Why? How can you sacrifice your own son?" Genevieve's voice cracked with anger and disbelief, her emotions swirling into a tempest of fury. She didn't care about the consequences anymore; whether it was Credence's life or the fate of the world at stake, she was appalled by her parents' callousness. How could they consider such a sacrifice, especially after losing her brother? Her disgust for her father and Grindelwald surged like a tidal wave. Did they have no conscience, no sense of morality left?

Dolores sneered, her words cutting like knives. "Now you sound like Damian. Should we dispose of her too, like her brother?"

"What?" Genevieve's eyes welled up with tears, her breath catching in her throat. "Y-You killed your own son?" She pointed her wand at her father, her hand trembling with rage. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Genevieve screamed, unleashing a killing curse that narrowly missed her father. She raged at him, her words fueled by grief and betrayal.  "BASTARD?! HOW COULD YOU!"

Whirling around, Genevieve blasted Dolores against the wall as she marched towards her father, who aimed his wand at her in retaliation. Swift as lightning, she stepped on his hand, crushing it underfoot. Madness gleamed in her eyes, her mind clouded by adrenaline and fury. "GENEVIEVE!" Newt's voice cut through the chaos, his concern evident as Grindelwald's flames surged towards her. Without hesitation, Newt leaped in front of her, countering the fiery onslaught.

"I'm showing you both mercy, right now," Genevieve spat the words like venom, her gaze icy and resolute. "If I find you again, I'll give you a head start." She bore her heels into Henry's veins, inflicting pain as Newt pulled her away from the flames, running away from the blue flames.

Henry and Dolores Apparate away with Queenie, leaving Tina screaming in desperation. "QUEENIE!" Tina's curse misses Grindelwald as he manipulates the flames, striking at the Aurors attempting to escape.

"Mr. Scamander. Miss Pendragon." Grindelwald addresses them directly, and Theseus steps forward with determination. Their eyes meet Grindelwald's challenging gaze as he shifts his attention to Newt and Genevieve. "Do you think Dumbledore will mourn for you?" He taunts, launching a powerful burst of fire at them. Acting quickly, Newt, Theseus, and Genevieve conjure a shield to protect themselves. In the chaos, Genevieve notices a flame directed at William, and she instinctively throws her purse in front of him. Rosetta emerges, wielding a protective burst of Genevieve's magic that shields William from harm, leaving him in tears from the shock of his mother's actions.

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