Chapter Twelve

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"I don't know who that is," I denied.

"You're Rhea," he insisted. His reptilian eyes scrutinized my features.

"Surely, you're mistaken." I didn't know much, but I knew that I didn't want to be found "alive" when I was expected to be "dead" until the witch who stole my powers was captured or, more preferably, killed.

Given we were on the main trail, we weren't alone. A few people passed by, giving us ample space as they stared at the scene we created. It was the exact opposite of what I wanted. Perspiration gathered on my forehead as I resisted against his weak magic and tried to move.

"Doesn't this look like Rhea?" He called out to a passing group. They took a few more steps away from him and sped up to pass. When no one replied to him, he got back in my face, whispering, "Aren't you supposed to be dead, witch?"

"Sir, you're harassing me and it's making me uncomfortable." I decided to raise my voice. He was making a scene already; might as well lean into it and hope someone would intervene and get the Lizari off my case. I only needed to reach Silverleaf's borders; then I could find Celeste and guarantee my safety.

"Beat it, Lizari. You're scaring people," someone finally interrupted us, just as I'd hoped. From the corner of my vision, a man came into view. He had a scruffy five o'clock shadow, his arms were crossed, and he shot an authoritative stare at the Lizari. While not Celeste, I certainly didn't mind a knight in shining armor.

"And you are?" The Lizari inquired with so much attitude that, if I didn't know any better, I'd assume he was a high-ranking member of Silverleaf.

"I'm the leader of Silverleaf, and you're encroaching on my territory. Now, beat it."

The Lizari looked at me and back at the man as if he were ready to fight over his prey. I hoped he knew better and just left. Relations between the Lizari and Silverleaf were mostly pleasant, with most tussles involving territory. The Lizari always wanted more, but Silverleaf stood firm in their plot lines, having existed long before the Lizari took over the coastline nearby. Last I heard, if the Lizari threatened Silverleaf's boundaries again, Silverleaf threatened war, and Silverleaf hadn't lost in battle in a hundred years.

"Sorry, sir." The Lizari slowly backed away, and I felt myself regain full motion. Immediately I began moving toward Silverleaf's borders again without so much as a thank you to the man.

I have no time to waste.

"Miss, are you alright?" He called after me.

"I'm fine." I kept walking. He continued after me, and while I appreciated his help, I knew he was lying.

"Are you sure? I assure you that —"

"You're not Celeste." I acknowledged. If he knew anything about Silverleaf, or was a high-ranking official, then in name-dropping Celeste, I indicated that I no longer needed his help. He could leave me alone.

"Celeste retired."

"She what?" I stopped walking. There was no way Celeste would give up her position as leader of the coven. Then again, I broke my promise, so I wasn't sure how Celeste would react if she knew what the outcome was supposed to be. I took a better look at him. He was attractive: eyes with a blue-green color matching the ocean peeking between the woods behind him and a fit body that hinted at someone who worked out, much like my failed date.

"She retired," he repeated, as if offering any form of clarification.

"Yeah, I heard you the first time. What happened to Celeste? When did she retire? Is there anyone still in contact with her? If you could tell me where she is, then I could—"

"I heard she was traveling. What are you doing here, Rhea?" He cut me off, glancing down at my bloodied robes and back up at me.

While I felt comfortable with Celeste, I didn't know the man standing in front of me, how much I could trust him, or how much he knew about what was just announced in Veridara. I didn't like that he knew who I was, either. At best, I had a great ally standing in front of me. At worst, him knowing who I was meant it was only a matter of time before the witch who stole my powers found me and finished off the job. I had to be strategic in how I moved this conversation forward.   

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