Chapter Twenty-Two

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"You want anything? It's free," The bartender asked.

I looked up at him from the menu and he raised an eyebrow and stared at me.

"Free?" I questioned with a laugh. I was used to getting things for free, especially since I held celebrity status, but I knew he wasn't looking at me like I was Rhea. He saw a middle-aged man who couldn't use magic. The comment came across like he pitied me.

"We're in unprecedented times."

"Yeah," I agreed, not sure what else to say. The man was right and more generous than most would've been in the same situation. Or maybe I just spent too much time in a big city where people would raise the prices. Silverleaf was always different. They knew how to band together when things were difficult. That was part of the reason why it was so shocking that my parents dumped me on Celeste and left. We, as a community and coven, were meant to help each other.

"We're in lockdown. Nothing about this is normal." He spread his arms out and raised his voice. While a few of the closer people were already staring at us, now the whole room looked at us. I stopped to look back at them, still huddled together. It wasn't the usual happy bar scene with people laughing and drinking unusual craft cocktails.

I knew I warned James to close the borders, but I didn't expect him to act so swiftly when he was still meeting with Cybill. It was impressive, but mostly I was thankful he heeded my advice. I just wished it had happened before Cybill made it through the barrier.

"No, you're right," I acknowledged. "Thank you for letting me in."

I ordered food and opted not to order a drink. After sitting on it longer, I didn't need a drink. I needed an elixir and rest. As I waited for my food I chugged three glasses of water, never fully feeling hydrated. Then I focused my attention on Cybill, leaning into the paranoia as my food was delivered. I took a bite and watched as she spoke. The people stared at her with reverence and determination as if she was a god.

"It happened," someone from the crowd yelled. "She was right again!"

"Thank you, Cybill." The shouts poured into the room with cheers.

"What do we do next?"

Cybill stood from her position in the back corner of the bar. Then, for the whole crowd to see her more clearly, she stood on the table. I peeked at James, the true leader of Silverleaf. I couldn't read his face, but he didn't seem to have much control over the situation, and it was hard to gauge if that was intentional or not. He hadn't seem like one to sit down and roll over for anyone who came along and gave him commands when I first met him. It was hard to understand why he was doing it now.

"My people," Cybill responded with a smile. "You must continue to trust me. Those without magic must be outcast from Silverleaf and made as an offering. We must maintain our strength and build an army to fight against her. Silverleaf will survive this attack, just as it always had."  

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